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Ch21 Mrs. Lovett's POV

Being with Sweeney is like a dream come true. It everything I imaged a marriage should be. Even if we art married maybe one day we will be but I've waited so long and this is more than enough for me. I look down at my bare chest to see the neckless Sweeney gave me. It really is beautiful the red complement my hair and the diamonds shine in the light.

"I had them make it special. Just for you" Sweeney say propping his head up on his hand. His pail chest has some scars across it it's almost like a piece of art, extremely complex yet so simple at the same time.

"really" I say a little surprised its problem even more expensive than I thought. I would never expect to be spoiled like that. I don't need a man to buy me thing in order to know he loves me.

"it makes it that much more special, but you don't have to spend all that money on me love" I say after I minute of admiring my gift

"I know but I wanted to show you... how ... much. I care..." Sweeney says kissing me between every word.

"I love you too Sweeny always have, always will" I whisper as he climes on top of me. Tracing every part of my body softly with his hands. God I love this man. I sleep a sound deep sleep on his chest all night long. In the morning I wake up to Sweeney snoring softly next to me. His arm draped protectively over me.

"Sweeney love we should get up soon" I syringing my hand gently thigh his thick hair. His pail skin is like soft moon light.

"in a bit" he says sleepily and pulls me closer to his war body.

"oh alright" I say giving in. I fell so at peace I almost fall back asleep when I hear the doorbell at the front of the shop ring.

"what on earth" I say siting up. I look over and see Sweeney open his eyes fully awake now.

"I'll get it" he says getting out of the bed he put his pants on and pulls the shirt over his head and walks out. I then start to get ready pulling on an old dress and taking a little time with my hair. I walk out to the parlor to see Sweeney siting in his normal booth in the front of the shop reading a piece of paper.

"what is it dear" I say putting on a pot of tea. I look over and his still staring at the letter. I set down the cups and walk over to him.

"Mr. T" I say siting down across form him" he looks up at me his eyes seem sad somehow. He runs a hand through his hair then stands up and walks out of the shop and down the street I walk to the window and watch him till has out of sight. What could be the matter with him I wonder. I'm a little hurt that he just walked out like that bathe problem has a good reason. Hell problem be back soon. I hope. Why wouldn't he just tell me what's the matter. I just have to wait.

"mum I'm back" Toby says running into the shop. It's just before lunch and to keep my mind off of Sweeney Iv ben making pies. Mr. Todd still hasn't come back and I try my best not to worry.

"did you have fun love" I ask he takes a seat at the counter, his sweet little face smiling at me makes me feel a bit better.

" loads me and George at Toffies and played cards." He says all excited. The boy Shure does love his Toffies.

"that's nice deer" I say and I walk over to the window to see if I can see Sweeney. I don't.

"mum wear is Mr. Todd" Toby asks noticing me destress. Hess such a smart boy. Poor things had such a hard life for someone so young.

"don't know deer now why don't you go set the tables for me" I say changing the subject. He nods and gets to work. lunch goes by and still no Sweeney I really start to worry about him. What if he doesn't come back. I almost start to cry but I tell myself I'm being silly and get back to work. After the dinner rush ends toby and I clean up around ten or so he goes to bed. I sit in the parlor and try to read but It doesn't take my mind off Sweeney. Twenty minutes later I hear the shop door open and Sweeney walks slowly in to the parlor.

"are your barker mad wear did you go" I say standing up. I try not to raise my voce so I don't wake toby.

"sorry" he says and he just stands there. I can't help but fell hurt he just walked out and what is he never came back.

"sorry. "I whisper. I walk away trying not to cry I head to the kitchen and grab a glass of gin and start to drink it. I have a few more until I fell tired I stand up and walk to my room passing the parlor I see Sweeney passing the floor. I frown in his direction and walk past him. After I'm settled in bed I slowly fall asleep crying a little. It hurts to have someone so close yet so far away.


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