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I started to pluck out that same old melody, but once again it didn't lead anywhere. It sounded exactly the same and never went anywhere. It's like I was walking in circles hoping something would change on its own. But nothing. I'd actually started to hate the sound of it, but I could never bring myself to forget it.

I'd come up with new stuff over the last few months, but this was this was always in the back of my mind somewhere hiding out. I remember when I first played it and I could feel it going somewhere.


Her legs were stretched out over mine and I had my hands on her smooth, bare calf. She looked down at my acoustic guitar in her lap and plucked out a soft melody.

I didn't know what she was playing, and I don't think she did either, but I was more focused on her. Her hair had fallen in her face just a little, her lips parted just a little bit, and her head nodded slowly as she played.

When she finally looked up at me she smiled shyly,"What?"
I shrugged and took the guitar back,"I like watching you."

That's when I started to play the melody. Her melody I guess, she sort of inspired it. It was like her in some ways. I got lost in it, it was constantly in my head, and it was my favorite. As I played it  I felt her eyes on me. I glanced up to see her smiling softly, that's when I stopped.

"What?" I asked.
She shrugged,"I like watching you." She smirked.
I put my guitar aside with a smile and pulled her closer, one hand on her calf and my other on the small of her back as I did. She let out a small giggle and smiled wider as she leaned in before I could, pressing our lips together.

End of Flashback

I thought of that smile more than I'd like to admit. When I did, I heard her melody. But when I couldn't find an end, that's when I heard the words that she left me with. I heard the yelling, the tears, the soft hatred, and my heart breaking.

I put my guitar down with a sigh and stood up, leaving the room. I heard voices downstairs, but I couldn't make out who it was. I got closer and heard their owners. Rydel, Riker, and I had to question the third voice. It couldn't be.

Riker was saying goodbye, Rydel wanted to catch up more, and the third voice I had to question. I knew it was hers but I didn't want to assume. I'd made assumptions like that in the past, and I was wrong. But something in my gut told me I was right this time.

I stepped down a few more steps as their footsteps came closer. I saw Rydel walk to the front door and start opening it, behind her followed Riker, and her.

I stepped back up quietly just a few steps to ensure I wouldn't be seen and watched them. She turned and gave Riker and Rydel hugs before leaving. She grinned fully and perfectly as her arms went around them. Her hair had grown, wavy instead of curly, just like she always said she wanted to do.

She turned just she was walking out and nodded,"Yep, I'll be back."

She'll be back. She'll be back. I heard her words in my head non-stop after that.

When the door closed my siblings turned and saw me on the stairs.

"You could've come down." Riker said.

And said what? How much I missed her? How much she hurt me? How I thought about her everyday? How much pain she caused me? How I never wanted to let her go again?

I shook my head,"No I couldn't."
Rydel sighed,"Well you obviously wanted to see her."
Riker shook his head and walked back into the kitchen as he called back,"You're only making it complicated for yourself."

I sighed and went back upstairs. What was going to happen when she came back?

It's Complicated (A Ross Lynch Story) Where stories live. Discover now