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I was hesitant about coming back home, but at the end of the say that's what LA was for me; home. Looking at my past, it would be hard to see it as such, but it's not just about what house you're living in to make a place a home. I had people here, memories, bonds that had been created that made this my home. Which is what compelled me to come back. Besides, because I was coming back now I didn't have to worry about my past. I was over 18, so my past didn't have to worry about me either.

Riker offered I stay with them in the guest room they'd never used before. I knew it would most likely cause some tension between Ross and myself, but I did need somewhere to go. And who knows, this could possibly help my situation. Being in the same house, seeing him more, could bring in some familiarity and make us talking things out a little bit easier. That's what I hoped, at least.

I told Riker and Rydel I'd come back after checking in on an old friend, and I guess in a way I sort of was. I drove down roads that led to my darkest thoughts and my worst memories, to a house of lost hopes. I pulled in front of the house and parked across the street, examining it. A clean porch with a swing on the end. Just under the porch was a beautiful garden or white Daisy's, in front of the mailbox was a small patch of purple Pansies, and a small dogwood tree stood in the middle of the yard. It was the most inviting house on the block, the house with a white picket fence, literally. Completely perfect; nothing like I remembered it.

Two people came out from the backyard, A pregnant women and a young boy. The boy had a soccer ball in his hand and he threw it up in the air, running after it when it hit the ground. The women, his mother I assumed, had a watering can and was taking care of her garden. A man soon emerged from the house and joined the mother and her son. He walked towards the women with two cups of lemonade, kissing her cheek and saying something to her causing her to put the watering can down. She turned with a smirk and kissed him on the lip, saying something afterwards that made them both laugh. She than called for her son and he came running, leaving the soccer ball in the middle of the yard and taking a cup of lemonade as they went into the house.

They were the average suburban family, a loving family just starting out. I remember when I thought I was going to have that life. In fact, I did for a little while. But than everything went down hill. The flowers wilted, the vibrant colors on the house faded, the porch swing was gone, the lemonade was replaced with liquor, and the laughter turned to screams of terror. I didn't know what happen to the life I had in that house, but I prayed it was gone forever. That house had seen the worst of families, and now it had one of the best. With a little care and attention, it was at its full potential.

I drove away happily. There was no trace of pain on that piece of property. It was there, but it didn't show. It's past didn't affect its future. That's when I knew, it was time for me to move on. What happened, happened, and with a little care and attention I could make things right with Ross and have a future.

When I got back to the house I brought my things up to the guest room, and by 'things' I mean the one bag of clothes I had. I was a light traveler. I walked up stairs and glanced at Ross' door when I passed, hoping he'd walked out, but it never happened. I put my bag on the bed and folded everything, separating them into neat, even piles. I had a few new shirts and a new pair of shorts, but I mainly had old clothes that still managed to fit. But I never really got new clothes. I even had the same old pair of white converse. I cleaned them and managed to keep them white, but they were clearly experienced.

I put the clothes in the dresser drawer and put my bag down on the floor next to it. I turned to the bed and went to grab my book when I realized my bag was still in the car. I sighed and grabbed my keys before leaving the room. I walked down the hallway and, again, watched Ross' door as soon as I left the guest room. I still hoped he'd walk out, but again he never did. I kept walking, my eyes on the floor when another door opened.

I saw my converse come face to face with a matching pair that exited the room, only they were more faded than mine. I felt our body's connect and saw our sneakers touch. A gasp slipped out from my mouth and I looked up to see the person I least expected, but hoped to see. His hands had come up to keep up from completely crashing and ending up on my waist. I felt bolts of electricity pulse through my body from the touch, and I knew instantly. His hair had grown to his shoulders and his features showed age and more masculinity than from when I least saw him. His eyes were still an incredible shade of brown, and when I looked into them I was completely lost in them.

He looked at me with surprise. I use to be able to read him like a book, not that I needed to often. Ross was always open about how he felt and what he was thinking. But now, it's like he didn't want me to see. But he couldn't hide his surprise. With his hands still on my waist he finally spoke.

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