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Looking at us as an outsider, knowing our history, it's hard to believe we'd never kissed. Trust me, I know. That was one of the little things that made our relationship unnecessarily complicated. We never talked about anything, which confused me.

I'm not saying it's the guys job to make the first move. No. If i didn't have the emotional issue's I had and still currently trying to get passed, I would have no problem going up to Ross and telling him exactly how I felt. But I had this unbelievable fear of being tossed aside like I had been my whole life. But Ross; he was always so upfront with his feelings. He was such an obvious flirter and he made if very clear how he felt. Just never said the actual words.

Kissing him...well...it's seems cliche to say that it's more than anything I could've ever imagined, but it was. It was something every girl hoped for at least once. It was passionate, deep, some-what rough, but also gentle, and overall magical. Your mind completely shuts down and nothing else matters, nothing is impossible because it's just you and them.

I didn't think Ross still had feelings for me, and was taken aback by his burst of affection. But it didn't take long for me to melt into him. Our lips were perfectly in sync with eachother's. I felt his thumb occasionally brush my cheek and his other fingers curled in the strands of my hair. My hands moved up to his chest and my eyes closed, my body completely relaxing. It was slow and deepened with every kiss, and it felt like home.

He pulled away and our lips brushed, his kiss lingering over them as he moved back. My eyes opened and he was already looking at me. Neither or us were really too surprised, but we didn't know what to say and I never understood why.

I can't speak for Ross, only my thoughts, but I know I wanted to say so much. Nothing was stopping me from speaking, and I was afraid to say it, I just couldn't let the words come out.

Ross looked at me for several silent seconds before smiling, lightly and meaningfully, and kissing me again. This time, immediately filled with passion. His finger came under my chin and I felt it brush my skin just enough to send chills throughout my body. But it was just that one, long kiss before he moved away and looked at me again, seriously.

"I never thought that would happen." My thoughts, for some reason, spilled from my mouth. It was true.

Before I left I felt like we'd kiss at any given second, but we never did. After I left, when I came back just a few days ago, I never thought we'd be this close. That our lips would touch and the sparks in our body's would come together when my skin connected with his. But it did.

He was quiet for a second before speaking. "I realized something." He said simply.

I examined his expression thoroughly, and came up with nothing that could give any indication of what was going through his head. But I answered,"What's that?"

He shook his head, his hands still on my cheeks,"It doesn't matter what you say, where you go, or what you do; I loved you even when you left. Even when you left, even when you said you didn't love me, ...even when I believed everything you ever told me was a lie...I still loved you."

And with that I was left with one question,"Why?"

He looked into my eyes, comfortable silence moving in and dissolving the tension. Everything somehow felt...okay. He tucked my hair behind my ear with careful ease and shook his head lightly,"I don't know." He said. His voice almost a whisper.

It's Complicated (A Ross Lynch Story) Where stories live. Discover now