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My first reaction was to keep us from completely crashing into each other, causing my hands to go up. But when I saw her face they ended up on her waist, like an instinct; an old habit I never broke. I finally saw her up close, her eyes widened as she gasped and I just looked at her. The lack of distance between us was something I missed immensely and it took everything I had to not bring her closer. When she looked up at me, and our eyes met for the first time in what felt like forever, we were silent. I'd seen her earlier, yes, but seeing her so close up was like seeing her for the first time.


I walked into the kitchen after hearing the laughter and saw them talking.
"No it totally was, I swear." Riker laughed as he stood up from his stool at the island,"Gimme one sec." He said to her before seeing me walk in.
"Hey," he said to me before turning back to the girl,"This is the one you didn't meet."
After that he left the room, leaving us alone.

She turned around to face me and smiled sweetly, and that was all it took.

"Hi," I smiled and walked towards her. She stood and met me halfway,"I'm Ross."
"Mia." She replied.
"Mia, it's nice to meet you."

Mia. The name looked to fit her so perfectly. Simply beautiful, it rolled off the tongue with ease. Her voice was addicting I wanted to hear her more.

"So how do you know my brother?" I asked.
"We met a few months ago at the dance studio, a few blocks away. It was my first time there and I got lost." She explained.
"You look like dancer." I said, in my attempt to flirt.
She shook her head immediately,"Oh I'm not a dancer," she laughed lightly,"I'm uh...I just like to watch." She said like it was one of her secrets.

I must've been staring because she looked at me confusedly,"You're staring." She said after a few moments.
I panicked, thinking I scared her. But I liked that she pointed it out as well. She knew I was staring and she didn't play games.
"Sorry," I laughed awkwardly,"It's that smile."
She bit her lip,"You're not flirting with me, are you?" Her voice sounded hopeful.
I have her a knowing smile and took a step closer,"I'm trying to."
She returned a smile and we just stood there. Smiling at eachother for a few moments, like we'd both felt what had happen. Like we knew, while it wasn't going to well in the start, it would be okay.

End of Flashback

I hadn't voiced her name since she left, but I said to myself so many times in that moment that it just came out, breaking the silence,"Mia."

She looked just as surprised as I was,"H-hi."Her voice was soft, like she was afraid to talk to loud.
I realized my hand was still on her waist and brought it back to myself, her eyes moving from mine uncomfortably. Suddenly the air thickened with tension.

"You're back." I stated the obvious and she nodded.
"I got into town this morning." She said in a little more of a normal tone than before.

I spent a lot of time being angry at her, upset that she left, but seeing her and being close to her again, none of it mattered. She was here now, she was in front of me, and she was perfect.

"How are you?" She asked.
I wasn't sure how to answer that truthfully, so I lied.
"I'm good, yeah." I nodded,"You?"
She smiled slightly, but it was fake. I knew that right off the bat,"Yeah...I'm good."

There was a long moment of silence before she spoke again,"Well I-erm...I should...yeah."
I nodded again. She smiled shyly and started walking past me.

I saw her start to walk away and I couldn't help myself,"It's really good to see you," I said quietly.
She turned from her place, now next to me, and her eyes met mine again. She smiled a little, and this time it was real,"You too." She said before continuing to walk to the stairs.

It's not that I didn't mean what I said, I would never say something I didn't mean no matter what it was or who it was to. But I just wish I'd kept that last remark to myself. Seeing her walk away made everything I forgot about in those few moments of standing in front of her, come back and break me all over again.

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