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One month later...(Epilogue)

Dating Ross felt strange. Not in a bad way, but just different. It was...pure happiness. No secrets was amazing, letting someone in and just being honest is a beautiful thing.

We didn't go on too many actual 'dates', but we spent a lot of time together. After about a week of us dating my apartment was ready, but we still managed to be together during most of our time.

Ross came over quite frequently, and I was usually over there with one of his siblings when he came home from work. There were late night phone calls and random texts throughout the day. And some sleepovers.

"Ross I have to go," I laughed as his arms came around me and pulled me against him.

"Come on baby, just stay." He said into my ear before kissing it.

He used his powers of persuasion against me. He knew full well if he said anything in that quiet, subtle tone of his, I'd done just about anything.

I sighed and turned in his arms,"Fine, but I have to go home tomorrow."

We both knew that probably wouldn't happen, but we didn't care. He smiled against my lips as he kissed me. His hand moved from my waist to my hand, our fingers interlocking.

"You're so annoying," I mumbled.

He continued to kiss me, his lips trailing to my neck,"Being in love can do that to a man."

He always said things like this, so simply. But it was simple. We were in love. We made eachother happy. We made things hard by not saying the simple things and avoiding the hard ones. But at the end of the day, there was nothing complicated about it. There never was.

It's Complicated (A Ross Lynch Story) Where stories live. Discover now