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I closed the door just as a gust of wind blew past us, making the door slightly harder to close. I looked to Mia once the door was closed, she sighed and moved her stray strands out of her face. I looked into her eyes, so beautiful. A clear mix of blues with sparks of gold around the iris.

The fog of confusion that had clouded my mind was dissipating. This wasn't complicated, in fact it was simple. Really simple...

I saw her shiver lightly and I stepped closer. She only got more beautiful and I just wanted to be closer. My hand grazed against her cold one, I took it in mine and held it securely. Looking at her, knowing what I knew now, I couldn't bring myself to fully understand why I was mad. I couldn't get that feeling back because now I knew, now I understood. She was scared. I knew fear, and we all handle fear in different ways. Knowledge is power, it gives you the power to understand, to forgive.

I couldn't do anything anymore. I cupped her face and leaned in until I felt her lips on mine. It was quiet, we were the only two people on earth. Her hands came to my side and I felt her body come closer to mine. It was a gentle kiss, but not lacking in passion. We'd kissed before, but not like this. The first time was unplanned and fast, and good. But now...I could take it all in. The softness of her lips, the way her hair tangled in my fingers, how perfectly her body felt against mine; I was heated by the fire burning inside me.

I felt her smile, and I couldn't stop myself from smiling too.

We stopped just for a moment, not moving away, but just standing there. Our noses touching.

"So cute..." a familiar voice whispered louder than I'm sure she intended.

I looked at Mia who laughed lightly. We both turned and looked to the top of the stairs where my sister stood with a grin on her face and her arm wrapped around Ellingtons, and Riker who had a smile on his face.

"Sorry," Rydel quickly said before she started pulling them away,"Continue!" She called as they disappeared upstairs.

I looked back at Mia, she was still smiling.

I moved her hair off from her shoulders and my hands slowly moved down her arms,"I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

She grinned,"I'll never say no to food."

We laughed and I took her hand as we walked into the kitchen.

It's Complicated (A Ross Lynch Story) Where stories live. Discover now