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I spent a lot of my time writing. I wasn't working, like I said I didn't plan to stay permanently, so now I was completely free. Work-wise that is. So if I wasn't sleeping, I was scribbling away in my little black book.

Fall was just starting to roll in. The leaves were changing to a calming shades of orange and yellow, the heat and humidity of California Summer's were gone, and every now and again you could catch a beautiful crisp breeze that when inhaled would make you feel completely refreshed. That's what I always loved about the Fall, no complaints. Summer's great too hot, Winter's fun but too cold, Spring is beautiful but it's hard to acknowledge when you have allergies; but Autumn is a little piece of perfection in my book.

I sat outside most days. Morning's were always quiet so I'd bring out a cup of coffee and sit on the front porch with my book at my side invade anything came to me. A few people walked passed the house, walking their dogs or going for a morning jog, some were riding bikes, and eventually I noticed that everyday without fail the women across the street would sit outside for one hour exactly before going inside. I thought maybe she enjoyed the time of year as much as I did and was simply taking it in, but she was so punctual. She went out at 9:30, and went inside at 10:30.

I reached for my mug and took it between both of my hands, resting it on my leg that is curled up onto my seat. It's contents seeped through the ceramic cup and warmed my palms and fingers. Seconds after I heard the door open slowly and turned to see who had opened it. Ross walked out with a cup of his own, in one hand while his other hand closed the door again.

I thought maybe he didn't know I was out there, but he didn't look surprised at all when he looked up.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked. He was still in his pajama's like I was, and his hair hadn't been touched since it was lifted from his pillow.

I shook my head,"No, go ahead." I was the one who was surprised now. He sat down in the chair next to me and crossed one leg over the other, resting his coffee on the arm of his chair with his fingers around it.

We were quiet at first. I was waiting for him to say something, I felt like he was going to, while wondering if I should speak up. But once he did finally speak, it wasn't what I thought.

"I think she's waiting." He said.
I turned to him in confusion and he nodded across the street,"Lynn. I always assumed she was waiting for someone or something."

I looked across at the old women. She sat in the same chair I'd seen her in everyday for the past 4 days,"Is she single?" He gave me a curious and humorous look and I shrugged,"Maybe she's waiting for a guy, I don't know." We both laughed a little.

When I first noticed her pattern I naturally tried coming up with a strong for her. Perhaps she was waiting for someone who was never coming, maybe she just liked the weather, maybe this was something she use to do with her late husband and she's just keeping the tradition. But when I first through my idea out there, it certainly didn't sound as in depth as I'd made it in my head.

"I missed you." He said when his laugh died down. I turned to him and watched him sip from his mug quick before placing it back down,"a lot." He shook his head a little,"That actually couldn't have been more of an understatement. But I can't think of anything that would sum that up enough."

I didn't say anything. Now I was really surprised. How could he miss me? After everything I said, the way I hurt him, and he missed me even a little bit? I just looked at him, and when I didn't speak up he turned to see me,"You're surprised?"

"Yes, actually." I chuckled a little and he smiled slightly. He glanced down at his mug before looking back at me,"Well I'm not gonna lie, of course I did." He turned more serious,"The only thing worse than hearing what you said, was the fact that I couldn't get over you."

I was actually glad to hear this, I never wanted him to. But at the time I saw me pushing myself away as the better option, my only option actually. But man was I wrong.

"I'm sorry, for what I said." I looked him in the eyes and soon enough he smiled a little and nodded,"I know. But it's the past. It happened and now...now we move on. Start over?" He added the last part hopefully.

I smiled genuinely and nodded,"Start over."

It's Complicated (A Ross Lynch Story) Where stories live. Discover now