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Teen years are full of many things; from voice cracks to periods. Toxic love and test grades are the biggest concerns for most; who's friends with who, prom royalty, the whole high school mess. I'm speaking like there was a time when I shared these cliche, petty concerns. But I didn't. In fact I never attended a public school at all.

But that's not the point, not right now, today is about her. Hazel.

Hazel was my best friend. She was everything I wanted to be, so happy and ambitious, and with her life was good. But I lost her. The second crack in my heart.

She was 14, I was 15, when she died. The car ran a red light and hit the side she was on, she was gone before anyone even got there.

I don't talk about her too much, I can't without crying. But I'm always thinking about her.
Sometime I even ask myself,'what would Hazel do?'. But today, today I thought about her more than any other. She would've turned 20 this year.

I was quiet, I told them all I didn't feel too well and I was going to spend the day upstairs. None of them knew, I didn't tell anyone. They didn't really know her to begin with, not all of them at least.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said while sitting up slowly.

I watched Ross open the door slowly, in his hand was a small cupcake, red velvet with cream cheese frosting.

"Rydel made them." He smirked as he entered.
He shut the door slightly and sat on the edge of the bed near me. It was quiet for a moment before I watched him reveal a small candle from his other hand and he stuck it in the top.

I looked at him with no emotion, I was surprised he knew, but also not.

"You weren't my only friend," he attempted to lighten the mood,"She would call me constantly asking me if I was ever gonna make a move with you."

I couldn't help but laugh, I could see it. I was always talking to her about Ross and what I should do. She would always say the same thing,"Sweetie it's simple. He's hot, you're hot, so why not?" Her little rhyme would always make me laugh, even now.

"She loved you so much," I looked down, feeling the tears and sniffled them back. His hand came up and he tucked my hair away and out of my face,"and she looked up to you."

I finally picked my head up and wiped my eyes, I could hear her.

'Don't cry, babe. You'll ruin your makeup." She'd smirk and give me a nudge,"Dont cry because I'm not there, smile because you were lucky enough to have known me." Than she laugh and flip her hair as a joke, making sure it was extra dramatic.

Ross handed my the cupcake and took out a lighter. Red velvet was her favorite.

'It's the queen of flavors. The most elegant.' She'd say.

He lit the candle and we watched the flame flicker around for a while before we both leaned in and blew it out carefully.

"Make a wish?" He asked quietly.

I stared down at the smoke slithering up from the burnt wick,"A promise."

Years ago, back when things were good, I made a promise to Hazel, one that I broke.


"You need to stop sitting there, Mia!" Hazel fell back onto my bed and sighed,"You gotta get out there, live your life, stop waiting for things to happen to you and make things happen."

I ran my fingers back through my hair and looked at her. She was dead serious and wasn't going to stop until I agreed with her.

"Alright...fine. I will do more." I said.

She shook her head instantly,"Not good enough, love. You gotta promise." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes,"I promise."

"Promise what?" She sang.

I laughed and looked up at my lavender ceiling,"I promise to live my life to the fullest."

She giggled,"Imma hold you to it."

End of Flashback

She did hold me to it, but once she was gone that promise slipped away. But I intended to find it again, and hold myself to it.

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