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I built up so much anger after she left, and a lot of it spilled out in our conversation. I wanted her to know I was mad, I wanted her to see what she did to me. How she ripped my heart out and crushed it in front of me, how much I questioned everything, the trust she stole from me. I wanted to break anything and just yell, that's when I closed the door. Ending the conversation before I exploded. I said a lot of things I didn't mean when I was mad, that wasn't going to help anything.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sat on the edge of my bed, my head in my hands. I felt my throat burning, my head pounding, and my vision blurred with tears ready to fall. I felt myself falling apart all over again. Not being able to say any of what I was feeling to her caused me to build a lot up.


"Do you have to?" I asked.
She nodded and stepped away when I tried to take her hand,"Yeah."
That's when the first crack appeared in my heart,"When are you coming back?"
"I'm not." She answered immediately.

Never? She's just leaving, just like that? I couldn't bring myself to believe it, I was in complete denial.
"What do you mean you're not? Mia what's going on?"
She shook her head and, I could see her hands starting to shake, she was avoiding eye contact. She was fighting off tears, I could see it,"I need to go, okay? And I'm not coming back."
I didn't understand. Did I do something? Is she in some sort of trouble? What was it? I felt myself getting more frustrated by the second. She never gave me a straight answer.
"You're just gonna leave me? You're gonna leave us, just like that?"
"There's no us." her answer was so simple. She said it like it was nothing. Like I was nothing to her.

End of Flashback

I rubbed my eyes to rid of the tears when I heard a knock at the door, and I wasn't going to get it until I heard who was on the other end.
"'s me."
I sighed,"Yeah."

Ryland opened the door just enough to walk in and closed it once he was fully in.
"Heard some yelling up here, you good?" he asked while sitting on the end of the bed.
"What do you think?" I shook my head.
"I think you need to give her a chance." He said.

Give her a chance? I looked up at him with confusion and leftover anger, "She's the one that left."
He nodded,"I know and I'm not taking anyone's side."
"She made her choice and she left. I shouldn't have to give her a chance." I didn't mean to take my anger out on him, but it just kept coming out.
Ryland sighed,"Look Ross... Mia's got a lot of pain inside her, and she doesn't handle things in the best way sometimes. But she has one of the biggest hearts and I know you know that. You just need to be patient with her."
"I shouldn't have to." I said again.
Ryland got up and rose his hands in the air,"I can't tell you what to do, man. I am gonna tell you that she didn't have to come back, she didn't have to try work things out, but she did. You obviously have stuff you wanna get off your chest, and you're losing that chance when you push her away."

I watched him walk out just as he entered. I hated to admit it, but he was right.

It's Complicated (A Ross Lynch Story) Where stories live. Discover now