More Clues and More Pressure

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"Where one is split to two halves..."
"A person not one, but two..."
"A manifestation of sadness..."
"And the one that hides behind it..."
More voices started appearing in my head, giving me even more clues. Now I feel like, they are very clear...
"A person not one, but two..."

As Yuki has said,
"All the blades are with your friends. You just have to figure out which ones."
Looks like it was true. I'm confident that my guess is correct. Tomorrow I will talk to them...And hope that they do know something. But then again...I can't let them know that the Guardians sent me on this mission...They would get suspicious of me if I just foolishly ask, wouldn't they? I have to figure out a way, somehow...

- Finals start. -
Even with a lot of pressure on my mind, I still managed to study for the finals. I can only hope to pass.
"MEI! You frightened me!!"
"Sorry Luna, but it seems that my pencil broke, and I forgot to bring my sharpener!! PLEASE, I NEED to borrow yours!"
"You can just ask! You really didn't have to come up to me and frighten me so badly!"
"Sorry! And thank you, you saved my life again!"

Since that's over with, I went to class. The first test is...biology. Not the most difficult lesson....Well, compared to math, at least. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it.

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