chapter 3

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"Come on, everyone to the airport." my mom rushed us out the door.

"Make sure the house is spotless, Marcia. I need to make a good impression." my mom hands our maid an envelope before closing the door.

"Their just going to sleep off jet leg when they arrive." I sigh.

"I know, but still I want them to like it here." she sighs.

"They'll love it, you'll be a great host." I hug her as we get into the Cadillac.

"Hi, Paul!" I wave to the driver.

"Hello, Ms.Danielle." he smiles.

He's such a nice old man.

As we got to the airport, Chris and I went to Starbucks while mom and dad waited.

"Okay, a secret agreement between us?" he asks.

"What would that be?" I skeptically ask as I sip my cappuccino.

"You don't have a choice, we're twins, if I think it's a good idea, you think it's a good idea." he sighs.

"That's not how it works." I sigh.

"You help me get with your exchange student, I'll let you have one of mine." he proposes.

"That's wrong. Plus they could be ugly for all I know." I laugh as we get back to mom and dad.

We see four boys packed together with a girl, assuming they are our exchange students.

"Wanna make that deal now?" he whispers as I stare in complete awe of them.

"Hi, you wouldn't happen to be the Kemps?" Fuck, they have Australian accents.

"Yes we are! It's so nice to finally meet you all. I'm Mrs. Kemps, but you can call me Mrs. Tori. This is my husband Daniel. And our children, Christopher and Danielle." Mother introduced us.

"Hi, nice to meet you all." I smile, trying not to get overwhelmed.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ashton Irwin." he waves.

"Hi,Michael Clifford."

"I'm Luke Hemmings."

"Calum Hood."

"Hi, I'm Ashley Hanes."

"How was your flight? Lemme get your bags for you." Chris helped Ashley immediately.

"You guys have adorable accents." Calum smiles as we are loading the car.

"I guess it depends on who's talking. You see, I think you all have accents, which are all adorable, but when I speak you find I have an adorable accent... yet when my brother speaks, it's not as cute." I laugh.

"You're twins? I mean you don't look anything alike, but I'm guessing because you're the same age." Luke asks.

"You're my favorite now for saying I don't look anything like my brother. That's the best compliment you could ever give me." I grin.

"That's not fair, you didn't even give me time to work my charm." Michael pouts.

I just laugh a little before getting in the vehicle.

"I'm so sorry we had seemed to have a mix up, Ashley is actually my exchange student and Luke, Ashton, Calum, and Michael are yours." I nudge Chris.

"Sorry about him, I'm Danielle but you can call me Dani." I personally introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you Dani, and you can call me Ash. I like to keep things short too." she giggled.

"I love your shoes." I compliment her flats.

"Thanks, and yours are really cute too!" she complimented my boots... I can feel the friendship forming.

"Oh my God, Michael, your hat is like so fetch." Chris mocks me.

"Stop trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen." Luke laughed.

"Awe, he really is my favorite!" I laugh at him quoting Mean Girls.

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