chapter 5

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"You've been studying since you go home, if you don't have it by now, you're not gonna get it." Luke groaned bored.

"I'll get it, I'm just a slow learner." I sigh.

"I bet you've got like a 5.0 and AP everything." he rolled his eyes.

"That's the furthest from the truth." It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Huh?" he asked.

"I'm hardly keeping my 3.0 in regular classes." I sigh.

"But you study all the time." he raises his eyebrow.

"I also have dyslexia." I point out.

"You're telling me with all this money and stuff you can't get cured or something?" he looked baffled.

"It's not like that. You can't just cure it. You can work on it and get tutors but the last tutor I had quit on me, so I have to stay up all the time and study to get the grades I do." I explain.

"Let me help." he grabs my book.

"You don't know how to teach dyslexia." I point out.

"I'm patient and smart, and I want nothing more than you to go to sleep at a reasonable hour." he grins.

"Fine, we'll see how long you last." I sigh.

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