chapter 10

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"You need to see both options so I invited Dani. Be cool." Chris nods.

"What did you tell your parents to let us all out?" I asked.

"Welcome party for all the new exchange students." he chuckled.

"I'm determined to get laid tonight." Michael grins.

"Yeah, you're foreign so you will." Chris sighs.

"Hey babe." Ashley come up and kisses him.

"Gross." Me and Dani say at the same time.

Fuck. She's killing me here. She's got black skinny jeans and a crop top on with trainers. Simple but very sexy.

"Let's go!" Chris grins.

We all pile in the SUV. Chris is driving, Ashton's shotgun. In the middle is Calum, Michael and Ashely, and I'm in the back with Dani.

"You didn't strike me as one who parties." I comment.

"Eh, I usually go and find the crap source of music and change it a bunch.. that and provoke intoxicated bastards." She shrugged.

"Sounds fun." I stare out of the window.

"So Dani, you're DD." Chris tosses the keys to her after we all get out.

"got it." she sighs as we all walk in.

The party was in full swing. The house was huge as well. It was insane. So much alcohol, I could feel the buzz from the smell of the room.

The girls, man. Hardly dressed and drooling at the sights of us. This is great.

I've made out with three different girls since I got her an hour ago. None of them are spectacular like I thought, they're ridiculously easy. I like a chase.

I hear the music change and people look confused as Greenday plays.

"I gotta go." I excuse myself to find Dani. I drank a lot and I want her to talk to.

"You look pissed." she looks up worried.

"I hate their music."I sigh as I scroll through her phone.

"I love yours." I smile.

"I overrode the Bluetooth speaker." she grinned.

"Genius." I laughed.

"How was Holly? And Samantha? Oh, and Jen?" she smirked.

"Can we talk outside? Away from everyone." I ask.

"Let's go to car then." she looked concerned.

"I'm drunk, and you're pretty." I blurt out.

"I'm only pretty to you because I'm drunk." Dani laughed.

"Your brother is fucking my cousin." I cringe.

"I'm sorry about that." she sighed.

"She's a slut." he shrugged.

"So is he." she grabbed a pack of gum and offered it to me.

"It must suck staying sober and taking care of all the pissed blokes." I unwrapped it.

"I don't drink. Well, a glass of champagne here and there on occasion. I don't like the idea of getting drunk in front of a bunch of people." she explained.

"What if it was just you and me?" I asked.

"Maybe." she shrugged.

"What would you have to think about?" I ask.

"Whether or not I know you enough to trust you." she blew a bubble.

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