chapter 8

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"It's Saturday, what do you want?" I whine.

"My mother has everyone's uniforms downstairs and wants to have a fitting after lunch." Dani leans against the doorframe.

"Wake me up during lunch." I snuggle my pillow more.

"I would, but it's after lunch." She giggles.

"Fuck." I sigh and get up.

"Woah, Luke." she turns around.

"What?" I ask.

"You could sleep with clothes on, you know?" she groans

"Stall for me so your mom isn't pissed please?" I ask.

"Okay." She agrees and scurries elsewhere.

I quickly shower and make it downstairs in ten minutes.

"So sorry, that jet leg hit me a bit." I nervously smile at Mrs. Tori.

"It's fine, love. The other boys slept in too. I understand growing men need extra sleep." she grins.

She definitely scares me.

"Woah, we have to wear a suit to school everyday?" I sigh at Chris.

"Wait until you see the girls uniform though, total school girl fantasy come true." He laughs.

"See." he gestures to Ashley.

"She's my cousin, dude." I groan.

"Oops, sorry..." he laughs.

"Luke why don't you change." Mrs.Tori hands me a hanging bag.

"Yes, ma'am." I smile politely.

I change into the dressier pants than I'm used too, and a button up with a blazer.

"I don't feel like a complete douche." I sigh to myself before walking out.

"Awe, you look absolutely dashing!" she grins.

"You need to put on your tie to get the whole effect." she hands me my tie.

I turned around to go back to the mirror and do it when Mrs.Tori told Danielle to.

"My mom wants me to be able to do this stuff for whenever I become a high-society lady like herself, I'll make the perfect house wife." she blushed as she tied it.

"Perfect." Mrs.Tori clapped.

Wait. No, don't move Dani! I liked her being that close.

No, you didn't Luke. You just like her because she's the only girl you've met.

"Hem his pants, Marcia, and then I think we can take in the blazer a bit." and Marcia got to work.

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