chapter 28

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"Let me get this strait..." Luke finally spoke as we got home.

"hm?" I asked.

"I can grab you like this," he gripped by waist and pulled me close to him, "and I can kiss you like this," he pecks my lips sweetly, "whenever I want?" he softly smiles.

"Yes." I grin.

"You're home I see." My mother opens the door eyeing us.

"Yes ma'am." I smirk and take Luke's hand.

"I think we're gonna go up to my room." I call behind us as we enter the elevator and begin kissing again just so she can see.

As soon as the doors close we begin to giggle.

"I love you." I find myself blurting out.

"I hate you. I was supposed to say 'I love you' first!" He has the silliest grin.

"I love you." I repeat.

"I love you too." He pecks my lips.

"I'm in love." I'm honestly shocked.

"Ditto." Luke pulled me into my bedroom.

"You're so hot and you're mine." He chuckles.

"I'm sure the schoolgirl uniform helps." I smirk.

"I mean, you can always take it off and we could see." he shrugs playfully.

"You've already seen." I roll my eyes.

"And it's a beautiful site." he kisses my lips and then my jaw, and then my neck.

"Baby girl?" he asks.

"Mmmmmhm?" I moan a little.

"Are we serious?" he asks.

"I thought so." I stared at him a second.

"Good." he pecks my lips before gripping my thighs and pulling me closer.

"Luke?" I ask.

"Yes,love?" he runs his thump over my thigh.

"Don't you need to call your mother later?" I remind him.

"I'm trying to make a move with my girl and you want to bring up my mom? Total mood killer." he rolls his eyes before looking at his phone.

"Its not time yet." he tosses his phone aside.

"All this making out really makes me tired." I yawn.

"Take a nap, princess." he kisses my forehead.

"join me?" I ask.

"Of course." we snuggle under the covers.

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