chapter 12

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"I feel better." Luke says softly as I walk in the room.

"I'm glad." I nod.

"You don't have to stay with me if you don't want to." Luke looked upset.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I sit on the edge of his bed by him.

"I've been acting like a complete bloke." he ran his hand through his hair.

"American, remember. I don't know what that means." I crawl next to him and pull the covers up.

"I don't think this is a good idea." He can't ever look me in the eye.

"You think it's a great idea." I snuggle up to him.

"Danielle-" he's cut of by me.

"Luke, it's something as innocent as sleeping in the same bed as me. Calm down. I just don't want to hear Ashley puke or fuck my brother all night." I feel him relax.

"You make me nervous." he sighs.

"And yet you find me all the time, how does it feel to have me come to you this time?" I ask.

"I have you against my body and now I'm scared when you move I won't feel complete again." he gulps.

I snake my hand behind his head and run my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. We're staring at each other's eyes. Fuck, those blue eyes make me want to do so many things.

I shut my eyes and try to go to sleep but can still see those gorgeous blue eyes.

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