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*Alexis's Pov*

My name is Alexis Grace. I'm 17 years old, i have blonde hair, brown eyes and i'm bisexual. I just moved To Lakewood. My mom had signed me up to go to George Washington high school. So I started today. We got in the car and headed out.

"So" my mom started to say, "are you nervous for your first day at a new school?"
"Um kinda, I guess not nervous on the classes but I guess the making friends part". I told her.
"Oh come on Alexis, you're great at making friends, im sure you'll fit in perfectly fine". My mom said to me while putting her hand on my thigh. I guess she was right. I'm a weird person. I like weird things. See this is a thing I don't tell most people, but alot of girls like dressing up, shopping, makeup whatever. But I like serial killers. I like horror things. I know everything I need to know about every place that has had something horrible happen. I just don't tell anyone cause who would wanna be friends with a weirdo like that?
We pulled up to the school and I got out the car.
"I love you, you're going to do just fine Alexis" my mom told me before pulling away.
"Yea love you too, thanks bye mom" I answered back and then I walked through the school doors.
Well let's see what this new school life brings me I said to myself as I walked trying to find my locker paying attention to the paper with my classes and information that the school had given me when I first entered.
Where is locker 192? Searching everywhere going crazy trying to find it I wasn't looking where I was walking and ran into someone.
"Ouch" I managed to say trying to pick up everything I dropped.
"Omg I am so sorry are you okay?" This boy with nice black hair and dark brown eyes had asked me.
"Um yea it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going. I was more focused on the paper" I answered back to him.
"Well my names jake."
Ah hes cute I thought to myself.
"My names Alexis."
"Cute name, are you new here?"
"Yea just started today."
'Well you need to meet the rest of my friends. It'll be the best group of people you'll ever meet." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him. "Come on I'll show you." He said. Then he pulled me away.

"I'm just saying, all this stuff is freaking me out, why all of a sudden 3 days ago we were talking about serial killers and horror stuff in language arts class and then Nina ends up dead and tyler ends up missing after being the last one seen with her. I still can't get that through my head." Riley Marra said.
"Technically Nina was already dead before we had that conversation, it was just a coincidence" this kid named noah foster answered back to her.
After a while of being pulled by Jake we stop at a group of people sitting in a circle on the grass. These are probably the friends he was talking about.
"Hey guys, this is Alexis shes new here and I figured I'd have her meet the rest of you because we're the best group of friends she could meet on a first day." Jake had said to all of them.
"Come on Alexis don't be shy say hi" he said to me pulling me closer to the group.
"Oh um hi guys." I said. I was kinda nervous. What if they didn't want a new person in the group. Worse, what if they didn't like me?
"HI Alexis. Nice to meet you. I'm Noah and these are my friends Brooke, Riley, Emma, Will, Audrey, and of course you already know Jake.
"HI Alexis" everyone else said in unison.
"Have a seat girl what are you doing still standing" Brooke had said to me. After that i had plotted on a space on the grass.
For some reason I couldn't stop glancing at this girl sitting across from me. Audrey I think her name was. She was cute and had dark hair and her bangs were alittle in front of her eyes. She had this mysterious look. But I kinda liked it. She seemed quite though. Not that much a talker. I hope it's not just because I got here.
"So Alexis" Said Emma, "Whats your next class?"
"It's Mr. Branson language arts."
"Thats great we all have that class too." Will said.
"So I guess I won't be so alone in my first class today" I said with a chuckle.
After a while of talking to the group we all got up and started walking to class.
"Guys I'll just meet you in class I have to go to the locker I tried looking for earlier and couldn't find" I had said to them.
"Well what's the locker number?" Riley asked.
"It's locker 192, do you guys know where that is"? I asked.
For a while everyone just stood there in silence with no answer.
"So I take that as a no?" I responded to the silence trying to break it.
"No,no we all know where that locker is." Jake responded first. "Just not sure if anyone wants to take you to it."
"Why not?" I asked.
"Thats Nina's old locker." Riley said.
"Well who's Nina? I asked again getting more curious by the minute.
"She was a friend of some of ours. She died 3 days ago." Emma answered.
"They said her throat was sliced from ear to ear" Jake said Continuing the conversation.
"And her ex-boyfriend Tyler was the last person to see her alive and now hes missing" Noah said after.
"Oh my God guys im sorry I didn't mean to-" I was cut off
"It's okay. You didn't know" Emma said.
It's not okay I know everything about everywhere that had to do with murders even if it happened a few days ago, and I still didn't know!??! What is wrong with me?? I said in my head. In reality I remained calm.
"Some people also say it could be that Brandon James is back or worse, a copy cat of Brandon james" Noah added.
Emma looked at him with a serious face like if she had gotten upset.
"Brandon James is dead!" She yelled and furiously walked away with Brooke, Riley, and Will. Leaving me, jake,noah, and Audrey left talking about it.

A/N any Grammer mistakes put them in the comments please so I can fix them. I really hope you guys enjoy the first official chapter.😊

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