Psychotic Mood Swings(Part Two)

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                *Emma's Pov*

Something very weird and scary is happening to me. Everytime I am alone I see will. And he's in half. He's trying to communicate with me or something. But no I don't want to. I run and I run but everywhere I go he's there. Earlier today I had to go to the bathroom. I was fine, I used it, whatever. And when I was finished I went to wash my hands. I ended up alone in the bathroom. And after thirty seconds of washing my hands I was like i should wash my face too. I bent down for not even three seconds. And as soon as I came back up he was behind me. I ran out the bathroom and into the hallway where there were people. But He was gone.

                *Alexis's Pov*

The next day of school me, audrey, and Noah all met up at the pillars. Before going into our English class and searching, for evidence on what we know, we decided to go to the library and talk about a plan. We walked around for about ten minutes until we reached an idea. When we finally had a plan we started walking out of the library when we saw emma sitting down on her laptop. We quietly got closer and closer trying to read what she was searching.
"Alexis you get closer." Noah said to me giving me a little push. I turned around and glared at him. Then proceed as demanded.
I got closer to her laptop to read the words "the comforbity of insomnia and paranoid delusion" I went back to audrey and Noah and told them what I saw. Then we sprung into action.
"Em?" Audrey called.
She gasped. "Oh hey guys." She said.
"Sorry didn't mean to startle you." I said to her.
"No its okay, what's up?" She asked us.
"What you working on there?" I asked.
"A research project." She answered.
"Yea for the psych class you don't have?" Audrey asked her.
"I don't know what you mean." She said with a chuckle.

"Emma, are you self-diagnosing on the Internet?" Audrey asked her.
"Bad idea, that either leads you to schizophrenia or something terminal." Noah said.
"Guys its not a big deal. I'm  Just not sleeping." Emma said back to us.
"And seeing things." I added.
Emma looked at me then rolled her eyes.
"Emma were your friends, you can talk to us." Audrey said.
"Your brain just needs to try to deal with it. It's not paranoid it's survival." Noah added after audrey.
"Guys im not paranoid." She said.
"Oh I know, that's what I was saying your the opposite of that." Noah said stuttering alittle. "The Internet is full of lies, your totally normal."
"Yea, guys I gotta go." Emma said Then she grabbed her laptop and walked away.
"Nice going noah you scared her away." I said to him.
"We will deal with that later, right now it's class hunting time." Audrey said Then we started walking towards our English class.

               *Emma's pov*

After I walked away from them I noticed I was alone. And the hallway got darker. I walked to my locker quickly put in the combination and grabbed my book. Hallway still getting darker. I closed the locker and started speed walking when I ran into Will's dead body. I screamed dropped my book and started running I kept running and running but ever corner I turned he was right there waiting for me. I tried to keep running and running to get away when I tripped and  fell on the floor he started walking closer and closer to me so I got up quickly and kept running I looked back for a quick second to notice he was gone and I ran into someone. I started screaming thinking it was will again. When I opened my eyes it was only kieran. I pulled him away and looked at him for about twenty seconds. Then went back  into his arms and  got a big hug and started crying on his shoulders.

                   *Alexis's Pov*
As we started walking towards the classroom I couldn't help but stop. I started thinking about exactly everything that was going on. Audrey looked back at me and walked back towards me. "Why did you stop?" She asked me. "Because, are we really even sure that he could be the killer? I mean what kind of killer would hide out at a school instead of below the radar?" I asked.
Noah looked at me and smiled.
"Because he's hiding in plain sight. He's hiding in the classroom, and killing off victims in the class. Everyday that classroom is like pick one,slay one, console one, then repeat." He answered me.
"Then what's his criteria?" Audrey asked him.
"Architypes? You know cause, nina was the queen bee, tyler the rebel, riley was the brains, and now Will the jock. Noah said.
"Well if he's killing off memebers from the breakfast club that only leaves the raccoon eyed weird girl that only wears black." Audrey said to him.
"Or the weird eyes girlfriend. Which explains-". Noah started but I cut him off.
"Please don't say me instead I don't wanna die yet " I said in a worry tone.
"I was gonna say that means Rachel." He said back to me.
Audrey grabs my hand.
"Oh so then say ex-girlfriend next time noah." I said to him sticking out my tongue.
Audrey looks at him with a weird confused face.
"Okay maybe not, but if branson's thrill is hiding in plain sight and the classroom is his cover, then maybe we should try and still take a look to see what we could find." He said with a smile.
"Fine fine let's go." I answered
"Yes!" Noah says as he starts running.
I started to walk slowly when audrey grabbed my hand and ran pulling me along with her.

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