Audrey, I'm Here For You.

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*Alexis's Pov*

(Day before the wake)

While I was running after Audrey I saw she got in her car so I ran as fast as i could to catch up before she pulled out.

"Audrey wait" I said out of breath.
"What alexis?" She asked back.
"I wanna go home with you. You may not want to talk to anyone right now but I'm not gonna let you ignore me. So I am going to be with you all the time." I told her.
"I mean I guess." She said with a upset voice.

Did she not want me to be around her? Was I starting to be annoying? Was she expecting someone else to stop her and follow her? All these kept popping up in my head distracting me from audrey.

"Hello earth to alexis." She called at me.
"Oh yea sorry, Um so do I get in your car?" I asked. I wasn't just gonna hop in.
"Yea hurry. I just wanna go home." She said to me after that i walked around the car and got in beside her.

"I'm really sorry about what happened. I'm really sorry Rachel's gone ." I said after I put my seat belt on.

"It's okay alexis, I just don't understand why would she commit suicide? I mean sure she was a cutter and the comments from the video bothered her. But I told her to not care like I do. I still told her she was beautiful. I liked her and i wanted to be with her." Audrey explained to me.

Kind of hurt when she was saying that because I want her now. Because I like her. And of course she mentions the video. I'm upset now. And I feel like I wanna Cry again. But all this emotion from my problems could help me pretend to feel sympathy so I can help audrey. It's not that I don't care she died. But I didn't know her so im not as sad as she is about it. Plus I really like her. No harm though.

"I know Audrey I get it. And I'm really sorry." I said to her.

I felt really bad cause I didn't like her sad. But she's so cute. I wanted to kiss her so bad. But I mean hello girlfriend just died. So I reached in for a hug.
After I hugged her I stared at her for a while. She had a tear falling from her face. She turned her face to look at me and started staring at me as well. Her green eyes locked into my brown eyes. I can see the tear start to fall so I take my hand and slowly slide it down her cheek to wipe it away. She looked at me and brought her face closer. I knew it wasn't for a kiss. (Obviously her girlfriend just died, and she doesn't know im bi) I slowly pushed myself back. And looked the other way out the window. She focused more on the road.

"Alexis?" She called.
"Yes audrey?" I answered.
"If I go to my house and get clothes, can I just stay with you tonight? I honestly just don't want to be home alone after what happened. Plus it gives me a break before tomorrow." She asked and explained to me.
"Sure audrey. Let me text my mom to let her know and we continue going to your house so you can get clothes." I said to her.

Then I pulled out my phone and texted my mom.

"Mom my friend Audrey (the one I told you about alot) is going to sleep over because her girlfriend was the girl that just recently died and she doesn't wanna be alone."

After about 5 minutes she texted me back.

"Thats fine. I get it. Wait is audrey the girl I think you like?"

"NO MOM I DON'T LIKE HER NOW SHHHHH LOVE YOU BYE SEE YOU AT HOME." I texted her back with caps to show I was yelling. My mother I swear.

After I relaxed I looked at Audrey.

"My mom said you could sleep over. That it's okay." I said to her.

"Cool, and we're here so stay in the car. I won't take long just gonna grab some clothes and come back out. Okay?" Audrey said to me.

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