The Final Scream.

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             *Alexis's Pov*

After noah drove to my house, he dropped me off and went to his house to change. He told me he would come back after he was done. So I didn't mind him leaving. I Walked to my closet and changed out of my harley quinn costume. I put on a Black tank top, with some camouflage designed jeans and my black combat boots. After I got dressed I walked over to my mirror and brushed my hair then tied it in a pony tail. When I was done getting ready I walked downstairs and waited for noah in my living room. While I waited I tried calling audrey. But she wasn't answering. Why was she ignoring me? I didn't do anything wrong, she shouldn't be mad at me. After about five minutes I got a text from noah saying he was outside. I walked out my door and then walked towards his car while I was walking I texted audrey.
"Look emma realized you were right. Well I think. Piper told us some interesting stuff, and It would  be nice if you answered me so I can tell you. Anyways I'm on my way to Brooke's so I'll see you in a few." Then I hopped in Noah's car and put my phone in my lap.
"You okay?" He asked me.
"Just trying to contact audrey. She won't answer me for some reason. I'm just worried." I told him.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she's fine at the moment." He said to me.
I smiled then looked towards the window direction.
"Why aren't we driving yet?" I asked him.
"Cause emma is at the spot where the sheriff is at and she said she'll  text us to tell us  when to go over there to get her." Noah answered.
After a while, I would say maybe twenty minutes, Emma texted noah.
"911 emergency, now. Come right now at the Brandon james tree by my mom's old house." I tell noah to start driving and I grab his phone and reply back to her.
"Okay were coming now." Then I close it and place it on his lap.

Couple minutes later we arrive at where emma said to meet. We see a whole bunch of cops and ambulance. We see emma and her mom sitting in the back of it and we pull over and get out the car and start running towards them.
"Oh my god, your leg." I said to Emma's mom. Her leg was filled with blood on it. I looked at Emma's mom. She was crying.
"What happened?" Noah asked them.
"Kieran's dad. Remember how we saw him tied to the tree? Well we got here and he was still alive. So I guess the  rope was somehow holding his guts together, and when my mom untied him everything just....spilled out." Emma explained to us.
"I am so sorry ms. Duval." I said to her.
She couldn't speak. She just nodded her head.
"Ugh emma, so like the tracker says that the killer,"kieran" is at Brooke's house. I think we need to go there. Like now." Noah said.
"Yea okay. Mom im going to see if brooke, jake, and audrey are okay. You just stay with the cops." Emma told her mom. Then she kissed her on the forehead and we all hopped in Noah's car and headed to Brooke's.
"Audrey's still not answering me. I hope she's okay." I said out loud biting my lip.
Emma turned her head to look back at me. "Shes fine. Don't worry." She said to me. All I could do was hope.

"This is insane. We are willingly driving, alone into certain danger without a police escort." Noah said to us.
"Noah the cops can't help us." Emma replied back to him.
"Really? Cause im pretty sure they got big ass guns and body armor and SWAT teams. This is america." He said back to her.
I giggled alittle quietly.
"Noah he said no cops, okay? We have to finish this ourselfs." Emma said back.
"Okay, well if this is the final showdown, the killer is gonna try to take out every single on of your friends one by one until you're the only one that's left, because you're the  survival girl, and me and alexis are just the regular and know it all sidekicks. Oh crap. We're gonna die." Noah finished as he looked back at me.
"Noah you guys are not gonna die. Tonight we change the ending." Emma said to us.
Then noah continued driving to Brooke's house as the rest of the ride was silent.

When we got to Brooke's, we got out the car and looked around.

"Are you sure this is where the signal was coming from?" I asked him.
"Yea I'm sure." Noah answered.
"Guys look." He said. Then he pointed to a white jeep.
Well all got out the car, and started running towards the jeep. We saw blood on the door handle.
"Oh my god." Emma said.
We looked down to the ground and saw a phone and a pair of glasses.
"Oh my God piper." Emma spilled out.
"I'm gonna throw up." Noah said.
I went behind him and started rubbing his back.
"Come on let's check the house." Emma said.
Then we started running towards the front door.
We were about to open the door, till we heard a sound coming from the bushes on the side. We all look at each other then go back to staring at the direction the sound was coming from.
Emma grabbed the crow bar noah had in his hand and slowly walked towards the noise.
"Emma...." I said to to her sounding a little scared.
"It's okay." She said back, then crept up a little closer. Right when we got close enough kieran jumped around the corner and pointed a gun towards us. We all jumped in fear.
Once he realized it was us he put the gun away in his pocket.
"Emma, it's me relax." He said.
"Yea, holding a gun." Noah said.
"Just breathe." He said to noah. Then started walking a little closer. We pushed back.
"Why didn't you call me back?" Emma asked him.
"Em, I don't think this is the time-" I started to say when noah came and cuffed his hand over my mouth.
"I didn't feel much like talking after you accused me of murder." He answered.
He looked at the crow bar emma had in her hand.
"You wanna put that down now?" He asked her.
"No we don't actually want to." Noah answered for her.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him.
"You told me to meet you here." He answered.
"No i didn't." She repsonded.
"Well I didn't send this to myself." He replied
Then  he showed us his phone that indeed had a message from emma.
"Unless you did, to convince us he's trustworthy, because he's the one controlling the malware." Noah said after.
"What happened to piper?" Emma asked yet another question.
"I don't know. I just got here. I saw her car and I took a look around." He answered.
"I really wanna believe you." Emma said.
"Why would I hurt piper?"
"Because you found out she knew the truth." I answered him this time.
"What truth?"
"That you might actually be the son of Brandon james." Emma finished for me.
"What?" Kieran said.
"Yea what?" Noah said after.
"We talked to Cassie James, and she said her grandson came to visit her. And she identified you." Emma said to him tightening her grip on the rench.
"And you believed her?" Kieran asked her.
"I dont know what to believe. But where were you all night?" She asked him.
"I went to the woods to be alone. Then i left and went to do a little target practice, then got your text and  drove here and saw pipers car, thats all that happened." He explained to her. "As for Brandon james being my dad? When my dad became my legal gardian it took alot of paper work, ill show you at home. Hes kinda the only thing i have left."
"Oh my god. You haven't heard." I said to him.
"He didnt make it. The killer got to him and stuff happened. He died on the scene." Emma explained.
"Wha-what?" Kieran said. He walked towards the wall and put his head against it.
"I am so sorry kieran." Emma said to him.
He lifted his head up from the wall.
"Here." He said handing the gun to emma. "Take this and take down the sick bastord that did this to my dad. Or at least help me find them."
"Okay we will." I said to him.
Then emma walked up to him and gave him a hug.
"Come on lets go inside and see if everyone is okay." I said to them then grabbed the gun from emma and walked inside first with noah behind me and following was emma and kieran.
We walked inside and there was nobody there.
"Brooke?" Noah called out.
"Audrey?" I called out.
"Piper?" Emma called out
"Jake?" I called out.
The music was still playing.
"Bubblegum pop never sounded so terrifying." Noah said.
Noone is answering. Do you think they're still alive?" Kieran asked.
"Yes kieran. Don't ask that. They have to be alive. Audrey, she has to be alive." I answered him.
We looked around some more.
"We should split up. Noah you take the back porch. Scream if you see anything." Kieran told him.
"That wont be hard." Noah answered him.
"Me and emma and alexis will check the front and around the doors." Kieran said.
"Okay." I answered.
"Just so were clear, i am not in favor of spliting up nor am i three days from retiring. And i will not be right back." He said. Then i looked at him and smiled and then continued walking behind emma.
                 *Noah's Pov*
I started walking towards the back very freaked out over what was happening. I looked around everywhere to still find noone around. I started paniking. What if audreys gone? Or jake or brooke? I couldn't help the fact thinking that. I just wont tell alexis this. I walked towards the bathrook way and found audreys camera and her bag. "Omg audrey." I thought. Then kept searching around.
                 *Alexis's Pov*

Scream. (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora