Where's Will? (Part Two)

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*Alexis's Pov*

After we walked in we looked around the place. I couldn't get over how creepy it was.
"This is not a happy place." Noah said
We walked a few steps more till emma started shouting.
"Hello? Will?" She called.
"Yes because will is going to pop up and say "I'm right here emma" I said to her sarcastically. Noah chuckled.
"Shes got a point there emma." He said.
"I was just giving it a shot. It wouldn't hurt to try." She said back. Then we kept walking.
After a while brooke met up with us finally.
"Jake come on let's go." She yelled to him. He walked through the doors and walked up to us.
"You cant rush the jake." He said with a smile. Brooke smiled back and punched him in the chest.
"Ow." He said to her rubbing it. "Your fist are like little ball pin hammers."
"Okay now that we're here should we split up again?" Emma said.
"Sure sounds like a plan, but this time I'll go with brooke and jake." I said to them. Then Emma and Noah went one way and me, brooke, and jake went the other. As we walked jake kept looking at brooke.
"On a scale from one to ten, How mad are you at me? he asked her.
"Elevendy." She answered.
"Okay so I made a stupid mistake. But, there's a killer on the loose. I wouldn't want you to die with all these unresolved issues.' He said to her.
"Oh jake just shut up." I said to him pointing the flashlight to his face.
"Oh my god, are you actually using fear of death to get into my pants?" Brooke asked him.
"Absolutely not." He said to her. "Unless that would comfort you."
"Ugh." She said Then she rolled her eyes and walked away.
"Ill take that as a no." He said with a smile.
"What is wrong with you." I went up to him and smacked his shoulder.
"Really your hitting me too?" He said to me. I couldn't help but giggle. I rolled my eyes grabbed his wrists and pulled him with me to follow brooke.
After a while me and jake tried searching for her but we couldn't find her. We found emma and noah instead.
"This is confusing" I told her.
"And we can't find brooke now." Jake added.
"What were is she?" Emma asked us.
"We don't know she just wondered off."I said to her.
"We're gonna find her after this discussion." Jake said.
"What exactly did your killer tell you?" Noah asked her.
"He said it's like hide and seek, but what would you hide inside a bowling alley?" Emma asked.
"Besides Will of course." Noah said stating the obvious.
"Obviously." Emma said to him.
After that we heard a scream from brooke.
"Oh my God, brooke!" I yelled "you guys find Will Me and jake will get brooke." I said to them. Then me and jake ran after brooke while Emma and Noah continued searching for will.
"You and me should split up to find her." Jake told me. Usually I would think that's a bad idea. But right now it won't hurt to try.
"Okay fine." I said to him then I Ran one way and he ran the other.
After a while of searching for brooke I hear emma yell "Will!" Which means she found him. Just then I hear footsteps coming closer and closer until brooke runs into me.
"Oh my God where we're you?" I asked her in shock. "I was walking until I realized I actually lost you guys. Then the killer came up to me and-" I cut her off. "Wait your telling me the killers here?" I asked.
"Yes, yes we have to tell emma." She said pulling my arm running towards Emma's location.
"What about jake?" I asked.
"He's probably already with them, come on." She said to me pulling onto my shirt making me run. And we kept running until we saw emma and noah unting Will. She starts smacking him and yelling his name trying to get him to wake up. We walk in the room close the door and Baracade it.
"The killers here and jake is still out there." Brooke said. then we walked over to them.
Emma keeps hitting will trying to get him up.
"Come on Will This is not how I am going to lose you, now get up." Emma said to him.
After a while. Noah gets a phone call.
He looks at me in terror. It was Audrey. As he picked up the phone I kept swinging my hands around my neck in silence as code for not to tell her im here. But he thought otherwise.
"Alexis we are in danger I think im gonna have to tell her your here too." He said to me forgetting he was on the phone with audrey "ALEXIS? DANGER? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?" I hear her yell.
"We are at a bowling alley the killer is here somewhere we also found Will, audrey send help." He told her.
"Noah? I can barely here you your breaking up." She said back to him.
"Just get help to the bowling alley. HURRY!" He yelled then the call dropped. After a while Will had finally got up and emma and him had a moment. After their moment she helped him get wrapped up and settled. I see noah and brooke on the other side, I go join them.
I look at noah and hes trying to put a knife, a stick and some tape together.
"Ugh what are you doing?" I asked him.
"I'm making a knife stick." He answered me.
"A knife stick?" Brooke asked.
"Yea, cause the odds of surviving a one on one attack increase by distance so." Noah said to her.
"Here." I said to him. "Let me just um." I grabbed everything he had in his hand put the knife on top of the stick and tapped it around. "Here you go." I said to noah giving him the stick. "I don't wanna know why your better then me at this." He said.
"You know it's just a spear right?" I said to him he looked at me and smiled like if he never knew that, which I'm pretty sure he didn't.
"I don't understand,why didn't he just kill me?" Will asked.
"Because he knew that I'd come and find you." Emma said.
"Why are you even questioning the fact that you are alive, be grateful dude." I said to him crossing my hands.
"Emma, you shouldn't have." He said to her.
"Look I can't pretend what you did to me didn't hurt because it did, but this is happening because of me not you." She said to him. Out of nowhere he started feeling pain. "What's wrong?" Emma asked him.
"Something on my back." He answered.
She lifts up his shirt to find "B4" sliced there. She goes to the drawers and opens the one that says b4 and finds a tape recording that says play me.
"Jake is still out there." Brooke said.
"How do we know he's not working with this guy?" Noah said.
"How do we know your not?" Brooke said to him. "You are the one that brought us here."
"Hey, hey you guys came to me." Noah said. "I could be laying comfortable on a couch right now instead of trapped here in this bowling alley of doom."
Out of nowhere this song called daisy started playing. And we all looked around.
"Cue creepy murder music, I knew something was missing." Noah said.

"Guys this is gonna sound ridiculous but, I'll be right back." Emma said.

"Are you joking?" Brooke said.
"Emma seriously, those are like famous last words." Noah said.
"Emma don't go."I said.
"Em, no!" Will yelled. "Ugh help me up." he asked us. So we all took a part of him and helped him up.
"Okay we can't let emma got out there alone and we need to find jake but we need weapons." Will said to us.
"Yea I'm way ahead of you." Noah said to him snatching the spear from brooke.
after a while of Will looking for weapons we heard nothing of emma. But he finally found a wrench type crap. Right when he got up we heard a male yelling. Sounded alot like jake.
"JAKE!" Brooke yelled.
"HELP WHERE ARE YOU?" Jake continues to yell.
"Jake needs our help." Brooke said.
"Or he's luring us out just like he did emma." Noah said.
"Well we can't wait, okay?" Will said.
"I'll go out and find jake, you three go find emma."
He tried to get up but it looked like it hurt to much and he couldn't do it.
"Hey you could barely stand." Noah said walking towards the door.
"But hey if you wanna make it easier for him just be my guest." He opened the door to find the killer standing right in front of it and closes it again but the killer is strong so he starts pushing it open trying to stab us. Noah tries to do what the killer is doing with the knife stick and pushes it threw the door only to have it taken away by the killer. Noah looks at his hands confused that he can't believe that just happened. We all started holding the door stronger but the killer still beats us. "Brooke and alexis go." Will yelled to us. And without hesitation me and brooke ran holding hands threw the other door. Five seconds later I hear him yell "Noah go." And noah also ran towards the other door meeting us in front of it.
Me and brooke spot jake first with a knife in his chest. We both run to him yelling "NO!" Brooke and me are both crying touching his face hoping that he's still alive. Brooke touches his face again and he gets up really quickly. We both smile. Looking at him so happy he's alive.

"You weep for the jake." He says to us we start laughing wiping our tears away.
"We're gonna get you out of here." I say to him.
"Thats would be good." He said back.
"Yea, but this part won't be." Brooke said.
"Why?" Jake asked and before he could even think brooke grabbed the knife and ripped It out of his chest. He started screaming really loud.
Emma came out from where she was at after she heard him yell.
"Jake?" She called.
"Emma." Brooke answered back she turned around for a quick second and emma started running towards our direction. The killer was so close to catching her until Will jumped on him to knock him down to save her.
Three minutes after that the cops showed up and the killer ran away.

"Search this whole bowling alley." The first cop said. The other cops gathered all of us together and the paramedics came in to take Will and jake. When me,Emma, brooke, and noah walked outside. We saw Emma's mom, Kieran, and audrey waiting for us.
God I was so happy to see audrey. I ran past everyone and jumped into her arms. I kissed her about four times and started crying. "I will never do that again I promise my love." I said to her. "I am so so sorry. I was so scared we almost died. I missed you." I said to her. I hugged her again and she hugged me back even tighter. "You had me worried really, really bad. Please never do something like that again. I could've lost you." She said to me she pressed her hands against my cheeks and pulled my face close to hers and kissed me about three more times before she pulled away. I noticed she was crying so I took my hands and gently pressed them against her face to wipe away her tears. After I moved to the side noah came up to audrey and said "well cue tearful reunion montage." They. Both giggled and Then he started hugging her tightly too and started crying. "You too virgin. I could've lost not just my girlfriend, again, but my best friend. You are the Virgin to my bicurious, how would you expect me to go on?" She said with a giggle and hugged him again. After they hugged she pulled me close to her and had us both wrapped around her arms into a type of hug. I looked around to notice brooke going with jake and emma hugging Kieran and her mom while Will was in the hospital bed alone. I over heard emma explain to Kieran she needs time off to think because she wasn't sure what she wanted right now and her and her mother both got in the hospital car with Will while Kieran went with his father, and me, audrey, and Noah walked to Audrey's car to go home.

A/N- 2nd favorite chapter still 1st favorite episode. I hope you enjoy chapter 15😏 comment anything!😋

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