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                   *Alexis's Pov*

After talking to audrey for alittle she asked to be alone so I let her. I walked back to class to find Emma walking out.

"Emma I got to ask you something." I told her.
"Okay so ask." She said.
"Did you  ever tell Audrey that you were with Nina and when she recorded her and her girlfriend together?" I asked her.
"How did you even know I was?" She asked me crossing her arms.
"I have my ways. Now did you tell her  or not." I asked again.
"Yes I did. And now that this happened im gonna talk to audrey to make things right." She said to me.
Then she walked away from me and continued walking towards audrey.

Of course I made it seem like I was going back to class, but I had to see how this was going down.

Emma walked up to audrey and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Audrey im so sorry about what happened. I didn't mean for this to happen im so sorry." Emma said to her trying to hug her but she didn't accept.
"It's not your fault emma. But I really don't wanna hug noone.  Tell Mr Branson I went home. Cause that's exactly where I'm going." Audrey said to Emma while walking away.

Emma started walking towards my way when I stopped her.
"I thought you went back to class?" She asked me.
"No I'm concerned about Audrey. But don't ask why." I said to her. "Did audrey say she was going home?" I asked.
"Yea why?"
"Tell Mr Branson that I was her ride. I'm gonna see if I can talk to her." I told emma.
"Okay good luck." She told me then I Ran after Audrey and Emma went to class.

               *Emma's Pov*

After school was over I was kind of worried about Audrey. I didn't want her upset. Even if she was still mad at me she use to be my best friend and I want her to be okay. Kinda. I walked to my mom's job to see if anything was going on and how she was feeling. But when I was about to walk through the doors I heard something strange.

"I don't think it was a suicide." My mom had told sheriff Clark.
I stood there in shock.
"What makes you say that?" He asked her.
"Well for starters the rope line around her neck was to strong of a drop for it to just have been the ceiling fan." My mom explained to him.
"You're right." He said back.
"So do we tell the parents?" My mom asked him.
"No not yet. Her wake is tomorrow. Let her family have one day of no stress. Then we'll open up a murder case." He replied to her.

Jesus this is crazy. I thought to myself. I have got to tell Audrey about this. She deserves to know. I took out my phone and started calling  audrey. No answer. I texted her. No reply.  Fine. She won't answer I'll just show up at Rachel's wake tomorrow and tell her. Before my mom could notice I even stopped by. I ran out the doors and walked home.

The next day was the wake. I woke up put on the first black dress I could find and tied my hair up In a pony tail. I grabbed my little purse said bye to my mom and walked to Rachel's house.
As soon as I got there it was full of people of course. But no sign of audrey. I figured she be upstairs looking at Rachel's old things so I decided to look for her up there.  I walked up the stairs and manage to catch audrey before she did something stupid. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down from the rope near the ceiling fan.

"Did you just try to"- she cut me off.
"No. I was trying to see if it was even possible. What are you doing here Emma its Rachel's wake." She said.
"Look I know I'm sorry but I needed to tell you something. Rachel didn't kill herself. She was murdered." I explained to her.
"Wait what? How do you even know?" Audrey asked me.
"I heard my mom talking about it to the sheriff. After the wake their gonna open up a murder case. And they think it's the same person who murdered nina."
"Tyler? They think tyler did this?" She said in a weird tone.
"I don't know if tyler even killed nina. But I'm sure he did so yea. I don't know that much but I found it best if you heard it from me. Now I got to go." I said to her. Then after that i turned away walked downstairs and left the house. Glad I got to tell her that. I hope it makes things better between us that I did. I said to myself. Then I walked home.

A/N- any mistakes let me know😊 hope you enjoy.

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