Chapter Twelve

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This story is crap and I'm sorry you guys are still reading ._.


Cece sped over to me and Adam was found at my flank somehow. I still stayed rooted at my spot in the ' WTF' phase.

"Let's go," Cece growled, tugging at my arm. I quickly shrugged her off and walked by myself. She was leading me towards Aphrodite and the message in her eyes were clear: We have to get that diamond, even if it kills us.

Nobody payed attention to us; as they were still screaming and running out the door. So much for a calm and orderly fashion. Still, we had to this fast if the air will be sucked out of the room soon.

"Turn on the security shit," CeCe demanded, eyes flickering to Adam.

"Rude much," he muttered, turning to touch a nearby wall.

"What system?" I asked. Adam didn't respond, but he slid his finger along the wall until I heard an audible click, and red laser beams appeared in random directions around Aphrodite.

"Classic, of course," I breathed. I looked at CeCe, wondering how she's going to conquer this. I've always heard that she was a genuis at mastering laser beams, whether they were a grid or scattered, but I've never actually seen her do it.

Her blue eyes turned almost black as she stared at the beams, determining where to start. All the sudden, she pitched herself sideways in between some intersecting lines that formed a parallelogram. Not nearly big enough for a grown man to fit through, but perfect for a skinny girl who was on a tofu and watermelon diet. (No lie, CeCe claims it's filling. Uh, no. Diet is a forbidden word in my vocabulary)

One second she was standing right next to me, the next second- she's perched on top on of Aphrodite's case like a cat; chesire smile and everything. Blink and you would've missed it.

"Whoa," I couldn't help but say.

Adam blinked and shook his head. "I know right? Gets me every time," he chuckled.

CeCe didn't even acknowledge the compliments. She just nodded at Adam, beckoning him for something.

Adam immediatley obliged, taking out a drill from his 'lunch box'. I rolled my eyes. Smuggling tools in was always an easy job; the places never suspected employees of anything. Too bad this 'employee' was a top of the line thief. He tossed the drill up to CeCe, who caught it effortlessly, and started getting to work.

We all kept our heads down, in case a bypasser was sharp enough to realize what was happening. My mind kept wandering to Weston and what the hell was going on. I called him several times by the time CeCe was half way done, and I got voicemail everytime.

The civilians were all out by now and the museum was now silent, except for the steady drilling and some footsteps.

I felt a handful of sharp nails digging into my skin and I automatically judo flipped the victim. Too late, I noticed the mass of honey blonde hair. I tried to pull up at the last minute, so it softened the blow for Devon.

"Damn," she hissed, laying face up on the ground. "Is it a bad time to quote Taylor Swift? Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground... Oh! Oh! Trouble, trouble..." She crooned weakly.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand. Cameron, who had apparently came with Devon, grabbed her other hand. We hoisted her up and Cameron said, "You are the weirdest munchkin I've met."

After the .05 seconds of no tension, the tension soon got bored and came back in to accompany us.

Cameron's jaw clenched as if he realized what we were actually doing here, in exhibit 212. "What did I tell you about the prick?"

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