Chapter Seven

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"Run," Weston hissed, shoving me towards the window.

"What about you?"

"I live here."

Oh, right. Without thinking about it, I stumbled out of the window and sprinted where our car was parked.

I didn't even say bye or thanks. It made me feel oddly guilty, but whatever. I'm not here to make friends. I shook my head to rid all thoughts of Weston and climbed in the car, between CeCe and Colton.

"Lacey, where's the prick?"

I glared at Cameron. "His name is Weston."

Adam whirled around from the front seat. "Who the hell is Weston?"

Cameron rolled his eyes. "Just this cunt that Lacey decided to befriend and bring into the operation without consulting with us."

I was getting annoyed. What was wrong with Cameron? He was being such a dick. Well, more than usual.

"What the hell is your problem?! Weston HELPED us! Do those words even mean anything to you? What if he didn't give us the code for the case? Our asses could've been busted by now!" My voice was coming out shrill. What does Cameron have against Weston? He only helped us, and Cameron is just being an ass for no reason!

Cameron clenched his jaw. "Adam, would you like to tell Lacey why we need her precious Weston?"

Adam sighed. "He knows about our heist doesn't he?"

"Yes, but-"

"And where is he now?"

"In the house, but-"

"So he's near a phone, where he could call the cops, and tell them about a bunch of teenagers who came in to steal the diamond?"

"Well...He...Doesn't know my last name..." I pointed out lamely.

"We live in the twenty first century. They could figure out who we are based on a description."

My words got lodged in my throat like a freaking brick. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Dammit, that made a lot of sense. I wasn't sure what to say so I pursed my lips and stared at the ground.

Cameron sighed and ran his hands through his hair. Adam turned around, rapidly pressing the keys on his computer while everyone else awkwardly looked out the window at the passing scenery.

We sat in deafening silence for a while, but everyone perked up a little but when we saw that we were near the Hasting's house. We all got out quietly and trudged to the house together.

"I'm sorry guys," I said in a soft voice. That was as loud as I could manage, or else I would've cried. I had failed them. I had been stupid and reckless, and why? Because my hormones had got the best of me. Because I thought Weston was cute, so I let him tag along. I wondered what life was like behind bars.

Devon patted my shoulders. "Lacey, it's okay. Maybe this guy is decent enough to let us slide...No need to blame this all on yourself."

I was about to apologize again, but all of the sudden my head snapped sideways and there was a stinging red pain on my left cheek.

Did CeCe just...Slap me...?

"Listen, bitch," CeCe growled, getting up on my face. "I don't care what your ass kissers say, but this is all of your fault if we get in the slammer, okay? If Cameron's mom dies, it's your fault. If it fucking snows in the middle of May, I don't fucking care, but it's All. Your. Fault."

I opened my mouth, but then I closed it again. What would I say in defense? Everything she said was true. I had nothing to stand up for. Old Lacey would've protested. Old Lacey would've slapped her right back. But then again, Old Lacey wouldn't have screwed this up as badly as I just did.

So New Lacey said,"I know." then shrugged Devon off and ran upstairs to her room while warm liquid pooled in her eyes.

I slammed the door and threw myself head first onto my blue bed. There was some knocking on my door, but they all left when I screamed at them to leave. I cried for a bit until I mentally smacked myself for being so weak. I angrily wiped the excess tears away and basically just sat there and fumed.

Ugh. I have to make this right. Weston didn't seem like the type to snitch, but you could never trust anyone these days. I have to make this right...How, though?

I thought about it and did the only thing I knew I could do in a situation like this.


I felt an awkward sense of déjà vu as I scaled the mansion on the grappling hook that had left outside earlier this afternoon. Good thing Weston didn't put it away and nobody had noticed it. A breeze whispered and stirred some leaves on a nearby tree and I shivered.

If you're wondering what my complicated "plan" was, you should be disappointed to hear that it was simply to talk to Weston, try to get him to come with me, and prove to the others that he's not such a bad guy.

I had gotten the keys to Cameron's car on the kitchen hook thing that everyone leaves their keys on, and the address to the house was already in the GPS. I'm sure even Dora could pulll this off. Then again, she does cross some rickety ass bridges on a daily basis to help unicorns, and manage to teach five year olds Spanish at the same time while fending off a ratchet faced fox. You could say Dora was my childhood hero, so don't judge me.

I reached his window and climbed in fairly easily, because it wasn't locked this time.

Weston was no where to be found, but I realized he was in the shower because heard the pitter-patter sounds of water coming from the bathroom.

I awkwardly sat down on his red and blue plaid bed to wait for him, and instantly felt stupid. I was in my pajamas, which consisted of a grey tank top and green and pink pajama shorts. Why couldn't I have the decency to change?Oh yeah. Because I got excited about my genius plan to redeem myself. Sort of.

His room was immaculate, probably because he had maids or something. His room smelled like him. Lemony and fresh, a refreshing smell that made you want more. I was quietly humming to myself when there was a knock on the door.

"Weston?" A lady's voice rang out. "It's Aunt Sue."

I froze. Oh crap. What do I do? Weston's room was spotless, so there were no hiding places. Maybe if I just be quiet, she'll leave. I relaxed a little bit at the thought.

"Weston, I left my wallet in your room when I visited earlier, so I'm going to come in!"

So much for staying quiet until she leaves.

I frantically ran to the bathroom and slid in just as I heard the door of his room open. Geez, that was close.

I was instantly hit with a suffocating warm mist that covered every inch of me, almost blinding me. What the hell? Why is there...?

Oh shit. I forgot Weston was here, taking a shower right now.


I closed my eyes and tried to calm my racing heart down. Okay, Lacey, do not panic. It's okay. I'll just wait until the lady gets her wallet and leaves, then I'll quietly slip out, and talk to Weston, then it will all be okay. It will be Okay...

"Sweetie, I think I actually left it in your bathroom, I'm going to come in, don't be alarmed!"

"It's going to be Okay" my ass.

Uh...What to do? I didn't have a lot of options right now, although I'm considering the plan of flushing myself down the toilet.

"Sure, whatever." I almost screamed when Weston's deep voice sounded, not even four feet away from me, behind the shower curtains. Oh my gosh, Weston was not making this any easier for me right now.

The door knob turned and so did my stomach.

I did the only thing I could possibly do.

I jumped into the shower with Weston.


Must I remind you this is where my evil laugh comes in??(:

COMMENT VOTE FAN SUGGEST TO RANDOM PEOPLE you know the drill! I might put another chapter up today, It depends on how I feel.... 

Always, Shmenks<3

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