Chapter Six

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I FINALLY made a slideshow of the characters!!!It's on the side(: YAY!! It took me a while,but whatev.And yea,I know most of the stars are from Disney,but teens who are still young and pretty and not on drugs are hard to come by in Hollywood,okay?(no offence) And Lacey is brunette,not blonde...

On to the reading! 


I stumbled back, almost losing my balance again. Good lord, those were some rock solid abs I ran into.

"Well hello there."

Oh hot damn. With black hair that looked like he just rolled out of bed, and those dark brown eyes, I'm surprised I didn't just faint right then and there. This guy was just...Abercrombie model material.

I stood, unsure of what to do. Speak in a different language to throw him off? Make a run for it? Act like I'm a maid? Jump out the window?

What I ended up doing was much worse than any of the above.

"Hey yourself," I heard myself say while I smoothed down my black pencil skirt, which was lifted embarrassingly higher than my mid thigh.

Okay. I guess I'm 'playing it cool'. There's a reason why it wasn't an option. It was reckless and just plain stupid. What was I going to say when he asked why I'm here? "Oh, I just gotta slip by to steal a diamond; BE ARE BE, EL OH EL, LESS THAN THREE, SMILEY, EX OH EX OH." I think not.

He looked at me figeting with my skirt and smiled. "I'd call security, but it's not every day a hot girl comes in my room."

He had to be Cameron's best friend. Attractive, understatement. Personality? Too cocky.

"I'd leave,but you're in my way."

Okay, not my best comeback, but what was I suppposed to say?

"I'd let you leave, but I didn't even invite you in." He stared at me, as if daring my to deny it.

I didn't. I just stared right back at him. Which wasn't hard, believe me.

"Which leads me to ask...Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

What do I say? Uh....

Crap, I can't stall any longer without sounding suspicious. You know what? If I'm already in hell, might as well go all the way. And if this doesn't work out, I am a black belt in karate.


He smiled a crooked smile."Well, Lacey...I believe I asked you two questions?"

"I have my own agenda."

"Does that include my aunt's new diamond?"

I almost choked on my spit. How did he...? "I find it awfully rude that you would jump to that conclusion."

"You just broke in through my window, which conveniently doesn't have a security box because I broke it. You have an ear piece in, which by the way is flashing because some one's trying to talk to you, and sweetie, you forgot your grappling hook outside. What other conclusion could I get to? I don't suppose you came here to fangirl over me?"

Okay. I had to listen to CeCe more often. I forgot my grappling hook outside? That was a rookie move. Even Colton wouldn't do that! I wanted to cry right then and there. What happened to Lacey Hayes, the girl who helped steal "The Scream"? The one who knew everything about stealing? God,I suck.

"Oh, you caught me. I just wanted to come in here and lick your abs."

He chuckled. "You're stealing it."

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