Chapter Fifteen

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Everything was hazy, and I didn't really know what was going on, but my ears met the sound of someone crying really hard. I shifted on whatever I was lying on and sighed.

The crying stifled and I heard the sound of someone blowing their nose. "Lacey?" I heard Devon's watery voice ask while poking me on the side.

Although I felt like there was an intangible weight resting on my eyes, they fluttered open anyways, because I was concerned as to why Dev was sobbing.

My groggy eyes met her blue ones and she started weeping even harder than before. "Guys, she's finally come to!"

Since when did everybody need to know that I'm awake? I tried to wipe my eyes to get rid of the blurriness that seemed to permanently fog my vision, but a sharp pain went up my right side.

I gasped and cried out. Oooouuuch. It felt like someone just twisted my shoulder the wrong way. With a knife.

"Ooh, don't move your right arm," Adam said, patting my hand gently. "That was not the brightest idea, considering what happened to it." CeCe circled around my other side, her face a little bit softer towards me than it has been in the past.

What happened to my arm? I looked at my right side cautiously and didn't see anything remotely wrong. I must've looked really confused because CeCe pointed to my shoulder and my gaze shifted.


There was a bandage on my bare shoulder (somebody seemed to have outfitted me in a tank top) that looked like the work of Devon. She was nicknamed the 'Doctor' of the house because she was the one who would fix us when we were hurt, considering that we usually couldn't go to the doctors. Just imagine the doctor asking how you've gotten the injuring and you say, "Oh, well I just fell from the ceiling because I was creeping in the air vents trying to figure out the most effective way to rob an object from the building." Not something we could casually do without running into the law.

But staring at the bandage made all the memories of the past night resurface in my mind. I remembered Colton's betrayal, and how he held a gun to Cameron's head. I remembered not seeing Devon anywhere and finding out where Aphrodite's Diamond was. I remembered CeCe tackling Colton and the memory of the gunshots brought a dull aching to my eardrums. I also remembered how I kicked Colton in the crotch and how I'd been shot by one of his aimless bullets. And then I remembered Adam sending a fatal punch to knock Colton unconscious and Cameron bleeding on the ground.


"Where's Cam?"

Adam stopped patting my arm and glanced at CeCe. CeCe shifted her gaze at painting on the wall, and Devon's started weeping again.

I stared at them, not really understanding what was going on. "Well...? Where is he?"

Adam couldn't quite look me in the eyes, but he managed to say, "erm.. He's uh... dead." And then he looked away as tears started to form in his eyes.

Things started to shatter, and then I realized that it was me throwing things at Adam and calling him a liar.

This continued until Devon stuck a needle in my arm and I blacked out yet again.


- Three months later -

Day eighty seven since I scarred Adam's face by throwing that vase at him, and this is the first productive thing I've done. 

I was sitting face to face with Mr. Hasting; only there was a thick clear glass separating us, and he definitely looked surprised to see me.


I cut him off. "Your son is gone."

"Gone? Like... " he lowered hi voice to a whisper. "He got Aphrodite and fled?"

"No,"  I said curtly. "Gone; as in dead." No tears were shed as I said this.

Mr. Hasting put his head in his hands. "How?" His voice cracked.

"Excessive loss of blood due to a fatal shot in his heart. A lucky accident by the murderer. That's the condense version, and you know what? I'm not even telling you who the shooter was because you don't even deserve to know, considering that you let Cameron die without him even knowing as to why to you were stupid and selfish enough to lie to him and flee when it was most convenient for you."

I almost managed to get most of the that out without any emotion, until I said his name. Then my voice broke and hot tears streamed down my face, much to my embarrassment.

Mr. Hasting's mouth was propped open like a stupid fish's and I got up and out of my chair so he wouldn't see my tears.

"I hope you're happy with yourself," I said as I walked out. "Have fun spending the rest of your life in here."

Boy did that feel good to get off my chest.


I suppose as a reader you may have some questions.

Like, how am I coping? Truth is, I'm not. Until my confrontation with Mr. Hasting, the most productive thing I've been doing is eating (because for the first month, I was only eating watermelon twice a day).

And what's up with Colton? Where did he go? Did Satan just reclaim his long lost son? Nah. CeCe shot him off (with his own gun) not long after she found out Cameron was dead. She's not a killer, but with a temper as bad as hers; Vengeance was called for.

And where was Dev during the Colton confrontation? Adam told me Colton had her locked in a room, 'safe'. Though she says she feels nothing for that scumbag anymore, I still hear her crying herself to sleep wrapped in Colton's jacket. I know she's hurting. I would know what it's like- a love interest gone forever. Or in my case, two love interests.

And the crew- What about them? Well, all of us decided to stay in the Hasting's mansion, considering that nobody lived in it anymore, with two people dead and one member in jail. Adam is looking for an actual job after I told him about what Cameron had told me not so long ago- that heisting was not the life anybody should desire. CeCe on the other hand, was currently on an operation with her cousins, not ready to give this up just yet. And Devon... She's conflicted. She shoplifts every now and then, but she's told me that she wants to go to a normal high school.

And don't worry about Aphrodite. We sold her off to the museum of rocks and minerals- yunno, the one where I did my last heist and everything went wrong? Yeah. That one.

And as for me, I'm not quite sure what I'm doing... All I know is that I'm going to finish school and attend college. Don't get me wrong, stealing will always have a place in my heart but like Cameron said, it's just not something anybody should be involved in.

Anyways, the moral of the story is that your past should stay in the past. It may have been great when it happened, but if you try to go after your past again, you may ruin your future.

Or something inspirational like that. 


Wow what a horridly rushed ending (:


About time, huh? xD

Thank you to all the loyal fans who've read this to the end, and I"m sorry if this story wasn't what you wanted to be, but hey- not too shabby for a first story on here right?

Also, thank you for all of my real life friends who have pushed me to hurry tf up with this story; I needed the push lol.

(And can you believe I was pyscho enough to kill off both love interests???!!)


P.S. I would seriously like some feedback on what you thought on this entire story okok. PLEASE?  I'll give you a fictional waffle if you comment! (>^_^)>#

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