Chapter Five

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 "It would be nice if you could give me some breathing room."

Oh my Jesus. His...Face. The caramel hair, the green eyes...If I was a normal girl, I'd be melting. Which I am, just on the inside though. Melting, I mean. Good thing I'm a thief. Poker face on.


I would've hit him if I wasn't frozen. "Don't call me that."

Can he tell that I'm not breathing?

He smirked, absentmindedly running his hand up and down my arm. His touch made my hair stand on end, goosebumps forming from his electric touch.

"Naw, you're too cute when you're annoyed."

I'm about to get freaking gorgeous then.

"What did you want?" I said, finally relaxing against the cool metal of the refrigerator.

"What I've been waiting to get for a while now....You," he murmured, putting his hands on my shoulders, pulling me towards him. And then we made out passionately.

 Just kidding. What really happened was a lot less...Romantic.

So, let's do a retake of that scene:

"What do you want?" I said, finally relaxing against the cool metal of the refrigerator.

"What I've been waiting to get for a while now...A Coke," he murmured, putting his hand on my shoulders to push me out of the way to get his precious Coke.

My version was better. Because in this version, I lost balance and fell on my butt. "What the hell?!"

He chuckled, took a swig of his Coke, then set it down on the counter. "Aw, you're cute when you're mad too. You're quite attractive Lace." Cue the annoying smirk.

He reached his hand out to help me up and I glared at it. You want to play games, Cameron? Fine by me.

I smiled sweetly, grabbed his hand and yanked, so he toppled on to the ground. In case you have forgotten, I was on the floor too. And of course he had to crash right on top of me. So we were face to face, chest to chest, leg to leg...And basically,his tanned goodness was sprawled on top of me.

I should've thought this out better. Damn.

"If you wanted me that bad, all you had to do was ask."

I glared at him. "Get off, bastard."

"What if I like it here?"

"What if I don't?"

We stared each other down until I heard an awkward cough. Our heads snapped up to meet Adam's face.

"Um, sorry if I was interrupting something, but...Can you guys scoot away from the refrigerator?" Adam had a wicked smile on his face.

"We weren't doing anything," We said in unison.

Adam shrugged and helped himself in the refrigerator.

Oh my frick. I felt a blush creeping up my face. We both scrambled to get off each other. This is so embarrassing. Is it cliche to say "It's not what it looks like" ?

Cameron  rolled off of me and we both got to our feet. I awkwardly smoothed my clothes down.

"You know there are plenty of rooms in this house..." Adam smirked.

"We weren't doing anything!"

Adam gave us an incredulous look. "Mmkay.Whatever you say..."

I hate life.


"So, Cameron and Colton take the fourth window on the third floor, CeCe can take the second window on the fifth floor, and Lacey takes the first window on the second floor, alright?"

We nodded.

"Ear pieces in?"

We nodded.

"Grappling hooks and tools?"

We nodded.

"And we all know the plan?"

We nodded.

"Good. Then off you go."

Everyone ran off to their assigned spots, but I teetered a little in my heels. Ugh, I can barely walk in these, running was out of the question. Actually, these were CeCe's. I'm starting to think she purposely handed them to me so I could trip and fall to my death. Damn her. She's probably planning my funeral right now.

Why did this have to be a black tie party? Stupid rich people. You know, normal girls wear a little black dress and heels to go on a date. I wore a little black dress and heels to go scale a building and steal a diamond. Score for me.

"Lacey, are you okay?" Devon's voice sounded in my ear piece.

"Just great, but these heels..."

I finally took the retched things off and sprinted to the mansion. I was already behind. I'll put them on when I get inside.

"Atta girl."

I flashed a thumbs up in the air, knowing she could probably still see me.

When I reached the wall, I threw the grappling hook onto the terrace above, and climbed.

Yes, I can climb a rope. Very well, actually.

No, I don't have man muscles. I eat my fair share junk food.

"Cam, Colton and CeCe are already in. A little faster Lacey," Devon said through the ear piece.

I gritted my teeth and climbed faster. CeCe was right. I am out of practice. Shoplifting was nothing compared to this. When I finally reached the window, I peered inside, but couldn't see anything. Tinted house windows? That doesn't even make sense! Those only come in cars!

Focus, Lacey. Now is not the time to compare car and house windows.

Devon's voice sounded in my ear piece."Remember, there's no one there, so just go."

According to Adam, this window belonged Suzanne Mondae's nephew, who visited every summer. But since school is still in session, he won't be here. Which makes this so much easier.

I pushed this flat hooky metal thing under the window (In case you're wondering, I never memorized the names of my tools). Luckily, it fit and I turned, pulled, slid, and heard the click. I've been doing this since I was seven, so it went pretty fast.

I slid in and shut the window behind me, put the stupid shoes back on, and glanced around.


The bed was unmade and looked like it had been slept in.

There was a shirt and pajama pants thrown on the floor.

Someone was staying in here.

"Lacey? You okay in there?" Devon.

"Just peachy." Then I turned the ear piece off. If I told Devon about this, she would only freak out and make me even more nervous.

I ran to the door. Maybe if I go fast enough, the plan will still follow through, and whoever was staying in this room won't discover me. Okay, I got this, I got this...

As I was about to reach the door, the stupid heels caught on something and I fell. Just my luck. "Oomph."

Shit, shit, shit. I scrambled up and ran right into something.

Make that someone.

Like a wise thief once said, "Shit, shit, shit," indeed.


Hehe,another hanger(: *Evil laugh* 

Who do you think she ran into? 


until next time~ 


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