Chapter Two

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My legs almost gave out as we stood on the doorstep. Seeing the intricate door knob alone made me break a little inside. Seeing the inside of the house would probably knock me out.

Shit. I can't do this. I can't, I can't, I can't... I repeated this mantra in my head, trying to force myself to leave.

Just as I was about to flee, the front door opened, revealing a petite blonde who I had come to miss over the last couple of years.

"LACEY!" She launched at me with so much force, I almost fell backward. Which is ironic, because she's so small.

"Dev...Hi..." I was happy to see her, but she was squeezing so hard, I could barely utter a word.

She giggled and let me go reluctantly, pulling me inside.

"I can't believe you're here! I wanted you to come back, but I know how hard this is for you, so I didn't, but then Cameron went, and omigosh, you're here, and..." she gushed, continuously babbling about how much she missed me. I forgot how Devon liked to talk a lot, and fast, too. Much like a parrot.

The Hasting's home was decorated over the top with expensive things everywhere. Other people may feel uncomfortable, probably afraid they'd knock someting over, but I felt the warmth of family swell up inside of me. I looked around, and saw that basically, everything was same since I've left.

We walked to the living room where everyone was already seated,apparently waiting for me. I missed this. So much. I took time to look around at everyone.

There was Adam Young,with black hair and observing brown eyes. He was kind and calm, and was always there for me. Well, until I left anyways. He glanced up and smiled at me, and I shyly smiled back.

On his right was a gorgeous girl who looked a lot like Devon. She was Devon's fraternal twin, CeCe LeVassen. She was like the blonde bitchy girls in the movies. She was snarky and rude, especially to me. She didn't even look at me when I walked in. But seeing her tight jaw, I knew that she knew I was here. Yeah, she hated me, and apparently still does. Well, the feeling's mutual.

But I was surprised to see a random dude next to her with spiked brown hair, picking at his jeans. Even though he wasn't bad looking, I wanted to turn away in disgust. Was it that easy to replace me? Guess so.

Cameron,Devon and I sat on the opposite couch, and as if on cue, Mr.Hasting walks in.

"Lacey! My, what a beautiful young lady you've grown into! How have you been?"

"Fine," I answered in a monotone voice.

I just wanted to get out of here, and he wasn't doing a good job of buttering me up. Also, it didn't help that he seemed to think people couldn't hear him or something, because he was always so loud. But at least he always gets straight to the point.

"Say, Lacey dear, have you ever heard of Aphrodite's Diamond?"

I looked at him for a long time before answering. He's not really suggesting this, right?

"No," I said in a measured voice.Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it...

He smiled. "Doesn't it sound appealing?"

Damn, I knew it. Was it impolite to hurl a thousand dollar vase at the owner of the house?

"Not particularly."

Mr.Hasting was growing impatient. But hey, I wasn't joking! Why would you name a diamond after the Goddess of love? That's so stupid and predictable. I mean, naming it "Hermes Diamond" would've been cooler, because then people would think,"Hey, why is this named after the messenger god?"

Okay, maybe that's just me.


"Mr.Hasting," I said in a mocking tone.

"I need you to do this, please." He said, faltering.

"Just like you 'needed' The Mona Lisa?" I asked, glancing at the painting that hung proudly above the fire place.

"Jane's being threatened. If I can't get this gem by the end of the month, we don't know what's going to happen to her."

Wait. What? Mrs.Hasting's being threatened?

"Why is she threatened? Who's doing it?"

"She was a little too trusting with her alliances. His name is Steve Mattern. He wasn't who he said he was, and now he's demanding for the diamond. He said if we don't act fast, Jane will..." He trailed off, which left my imagination wander for the worst.

I swallowed. I looked and Cameron, who's jaw was clenched, as if he would like to punch this Steve Mattern man. But there was a helplessness in his now clouded eyes, like he wanted to do something about this, but couldn't.

"Where is she?"

"At her sister's place, hiding for now."

"And you want me to...Be in this operation?"

"Yes. Please Lacey. You know I wouldn't ask this much of you unless it was important."

Cameron spoke up. "She said she didn't want this."

"But we need more people," Devon protested.

"This can be a five person thing. She's probably dulled from three years of no stealing. She's probably useless now." This is the first time CeCe addressed the subject of me being here, and that's what comes out of her mouth? It took everything in me not to slap her.

"Colton has only been on two minor heists, he's not skilled enough! We need an experienced thief like Lacey!" Devon argued.

Colton, (apparently) the new guy, looked at Devon with a hurt expression, but didn't object.

"How about we ask Lacey what she thinks?" Adam. The only one who can keep his head when all of us can't.

Everyone look pointedly at me. Crap. What do I say? I already left all of this behind, but Mrs.Hasting was like my aunt. I glanced at Cameron and Mr.Hasting. I can't possibly not do this. A wife and mother gone, just because I wouldn't do this. I can't stomach that guilt. Okay, I was blowing this out of proportion. They could recruit other people, it didn't rely solely on me. Or maybe I was just giving myself an excuse to steal again.

Um. "I'll do it. But only for Mrs.Hasting."

Well. Guess that's what I'll say. The words came out of my mouth before my brain even registered what I was saying.

Mr.Hasting looked relieved. "Good, good! Well, how about Colton drives you to get your stuff?"


"I believe Cameron just pulled you from school?"

"Oh, right. Okay." How could I forget?

Mr.Hasting smiled. "I want you to feel comfortable here, Lacey. This used to be home, remember? Oh, and Cameron, I'd like to have a word with you in my office."

He walked out of the room, and Cameron glanced at me, then reluctanly followed.

There was an awkward silence that followed, as if nobody knew what to do.

Luckily, Devon broke that silence.

"Go get your stuff with Colton! I want to talk to as soon as possible, but I have to do this thing," Devon told me.

"Will do," I replied while getting up.

But did Colton have to drive? He was a reminder of how I wasn't needed unless there was a dire situation like this. But I walked out of the world of theivery. I shouldn't care.

Oh who am I kidding? Even when I was living a "normal" life, I was still shoplifting things to make me feel good. And then putting the items back. I'm so pathetic.

"So...Ready to go?" Colton asked the floor. Really? The kid who replaced me couldn't even make eye contact?

"Yeah," I replied, following him to the car.

This should be fun.

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