Chapter Four

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"So we don't know where it is?"

"That's what we were getting at..."

I stared at Adam in disbelief.

"So basically, We're going to steal this thing, worth exactly $3,630,281.88, blind? How do we steal it if we don't know where it is?"

We've never walked into a blind heist. We spend months and months planning and researching until we know the item's exact location. And from there, we plan on how to get it. But this? This is so reckless...

CeCe looked at me in disgust. "Do you really think Steve Mattern would send us to do his dirty work if he already knew where it was? Why would there be some one's LIFE on the line if this was going to be easy?"

I opened my mouth to retort, but Cameron beat me to it.

"She's just surprised, she's never done this before, and it's a lot to ask her to step out of her life to do something like this. Give her a break."

CeCe clenched her jaw. "You know, I don't need to participate in this if eveyone's just too busy praising Queen Lacey instead of dealing with the real issue," She said, crossing her arms.

"Then leave," Devon snapped, the same time Adam said, "Don't think like that."

Devon and CeCe stared each other down while Adam sighed.

"Look, I want to keep Mrs.Hasting safe as much as everyone else here. So can we just focus for now, and deal with our petty problems later?" I proposed.

Everyone mumbled an agreement (Well, if "whatever" is considered an agreement), and shifted in their seats due to the sudden awkwardness in the air.

"So...Where do we think it is?" I asked.

Abruptly, Adam sat up,all business again."Well, there's a supposed 'unveiling' of it at this black tie party hosted by a woman by the name of Suzanne Mondae."

"And who is she?"

"Um..." Adam shuffled some papers around and apparently found the right one because he answered, "Filthy rich. Husband is the CEO of some big business. She recently 'bought' Aphrodite's Diamond...She loves showing off her stuff, so she tends to unveil them at some sort of fancy party every month. Hmm...hosted at her house-Oh excuse me-mansion. We need to check the security there, but we could probably crash easily enough."

Colton furrowed his eye brows. "If it's so simple, then what was the big deal about 'going blind'?"

CeCe rolled her eyes. "I've met bread smarter than you."

Devon shot her a glare and answered him. "There are fake copies of famous things every where...This Suzanne Mondae could've just gotten her hands on a copy. After all, the real thing is priceless, it belongs in a museum, not in some lady's house for bragging rights."

Colton nodded and peered curiously over Adam's shoulder to get a better look at the computer screen. "Got anything so far?"

Adam nodded. "This is too easy. She has three weak spots right on these random windows on the west wing of her house. Probably got busted and she didn't bother fixing it. Or she doesn't know they're broken. We can basically climb right on in. Rich people are so stupid, I swear..."

Cameron smirked. "That's why we're the one's who give them a kick in the ass. So, who's doing what?"

Everyone glanced at each other, not sure what to say.

"How about Lacey, Cameron, Colton..."

CeCe frowned. "Adam, if you're suggesting a rookie and an ex thief who's out of practice to do the action inside..."

"But Colton needs to learn,and Lacey works best under pressure. It's how she likes it, right?"

I nodded. Normal people live for life. I live for pressure.Yay me.

Adam rubbed his temples. "So how about Lacey goes by herself in one, Cameron and Colton will go in another window...And CeCe will take the last one. I'll be on the computer in the car, monitering, and Devon will flank with me and probably be the driver.We may need a speedy getaway..." He glanced at Devon,who smiled implishly. "And she'll be the one who's on the other end of the ear piece. Sound good?"

Everyone murmered an agreement.

"So...Let's get ready. It's in two days."

We worked out the details for about another hour and a half, then everyone quickly dispersed, but Cameron and I still remained seated.

He seemed to be texting on his phone, and I got up to get a drink from the refrigerator. This was a lot to process. And I get thirsty easily. I juggled a Sprite in my hands but dropped it when I turned around.

Cameron was there.

Like...Right THERE.

Like, take one step and knock heads.

He smirked.

Oh lord.


A little filler and cliff....Hehehe,what will happpen?*Evil Laugh* Welp.VOTE COMMENT SUGGEST TO RANDOM PEOPLE,you know,the usual... 


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