Chapter Eleven

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"Adam, can you please hurry up?" I muttered, walking past a stone preserved from ancient times. Because you know what's better than a rock? An ancient rock! Note sarcasm, because I seriously can't tell the difference between two different aged rocks. I mean. They're... rocks.

"Lacey, are you the one responsible for shutting down about a hundred security cameras right now? Cut me some slack, this isn't easy," Adam's deep voice sounded in my comms unit. "Also, you need to slow your walking pace. You're drawing attention, especially with those shoes."

I sighed, murmuring a quick "sorry" to Adam and hanging a left into the nearest bathroom. After kicking all the stall doors open, making sure no one was also in the restroom with me, I talked into my watch (which was actually a walkie talkie) for Devon. "Keep stalling," I told her.

"It's getting hard, considering the kid doesn't exist!" She fake coughed back.

Devon had came into the museum's office, telling them that she had lost her son in this vast museum. At first she earned some skeptical looks from the employees but then she started yelling about how people always judge all the girls who have been 16 and pregnant. (Cue applause because that was pure genius.) Everyone soon sped off to find a nonexistent kid, and Adam, the trusty new employee was stuck managing. (I really hope you understand 'managing' means shutting down all cameras and security systems.)

"Say something about how he likes climbing in small spaces like air vents. Maybe find some escape routes," I suggested, walking out of the bathroom. Soon enough, I heard Dev ordering the men to look for air vents.

I walked aimlessly, pretending to casually look at some exhitbits, all the while making sure Aphrodite was always in my line of sight. It sat there, in it's blue pillow surrounded by a bullet proof case, shining in all it's glory.

Too bad it's not Lacey proof though.

Someone bumped into me while I was lost in thought and mumbled "sorry". The stranger quickly sped off, and I felt something in my hand. I slowly looked back and saw someone's tall frame disappear behind the corner. I looked at the palm of my hand and there was a folded piece of paper. Cautiously opening, it read, " Switch assignments. Adam said to. -W. "

I quickly ripped it into pieces and tossed the pieces into a trashcan. Okay, I'm really confused. The note was obviously from Weston, because it was signed with a 'W', but something's wrong. First off, where the hell did Weston learn to do such a flawless bump-pass like that? That takes time to master. And switch assignments? No, Adam wouldn't suggest that. My job was to take the diamond and Weston's job was to speed off when we all got in the car. He wasn't even supposed to be in the building!

"Um, Adam?" I commed. I reached up adjusting my earpiece, trying to make it seem  like I was scratching my head. Ew, don't make it look like you have lice, Lacey. I tucked my hair back instead.

I heard Adam sigh. "Yes?"

"Did you tell Weston to switch assignments with me?"

Pause. "No...? What are you talking about?"

What? "Um. I was asking you because Weston just told me to switch assignments."

"But you're a terrible driver. You're worst than Spongebob," confusion was mingled in his voice.

Sadly enough, this is true. There's a reason why Devon was always the driver. I drove like a maniac, even in video games. I'm one of those people who throw those green shells in Mario Kart and then hit myself on accident.

"Really? Now is not the time to make fun of my... Difficulty in driving. We need to focus on what Weston is doing!" My voice was shrill and I hated it. This is my first big heist since I left, nothing can go wrong!

Calm, Lacey, calm. Look at that shiny rock. Isn't it shiny? Yeah, okay. Calm. "Wait, Adam... Did you teach him how to do a bump-pass?"

"No, that's why he's manning the car and not indoors," Adam said as if he was talking to a six year old.

It felt like tar was weighing my stomach down. "Uh. I'll be right back, I'll talk to Weston-"

The comm fizzled a little like the connection was breaking up. "Uh Adam?"

More crackling followed and I faintly heard Adam saying something. Then, it died.

My comms unit died.

"Adam? Adam?! Can you hear me?!" No, no, no! I quickly back pedaled, not caring that I was walking way too fast and my hands were starting to sweat from nerves. "Dev?" I said into my watch.

 Nothing. What is going on? I went to the last resort. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Cameron's number, which I had remembered by heart four years ago in case anything were to happen. My heart did a hand spring when I heard his husky voice answer.

"Is something wrong?" No 'Hi', no 'What's up,' just straight to the point. Smart, because something was obviously wrong.

"Yes!" I hissed. "My ear piece is dead and Devon isn't answering me!" I was making my way towards the front desk, not caring that I could no longer see Aphrodite.

"Well-" he started to answer but then I hung up on Cameron once I heard the over head intercom turn on.

Normally, I would totally ignore stupid intercoms in a situation like this, but when I heard who was talking I had to shut the phone off.

"Ladies and gentleman, please make your way to the exits. The emergency alarm has been pulled and all the oxygen will be sucked out of the rooms in thirty minutes. Please make your way out in an orderly fashion please."

People were shuffling around in panic, and I heard a couple screams. Every sane person was running to the exits like a herd of bison while I stayed rooted into one spot. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone else rooted as well- CeCe. Her mouth was wide open and she turned to me.

Bile was rising in the back of my throat. This was unplanned. This shouldn't be happening.

The voice on the intercom was Weston's.


Should I go to school tomorrow or throw myself off a cliff?

(Not sure which is the better option.)

I really miss this story, but right now I'm just winging it ._.

I was doing the Pythagorean Theorem the other day and randomly drafted this plot twist, so. Yea. Like I said, I'm winging it for now. Don't ask me what's gonna happen next cos idk either.

Shmenks if you're still reading. I love all of you for not giving up on my story<3

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