Part 2

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Elenas P.O.V


It was the first day back to school today.The first day is shittier than any other school day.Everyones like "OMG I TOTALLY HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN FOREVER!" and basically everyone who isn't popular are awkwardly trying desperately to reinvent their personas.Usually in about a fortnight,everything resumes back to its normal,bitchy self.

I walked into the school gates and everyone on campus were already claiming their hangout spots.The jocks were by the soccer field,the geeks by the cafeteria,the theatre kids by the open stage,the mean/popular girls by the glistening fountain.My group of so called "friends"were lolling by the benches,watching the athletic team sprint around the field in a daze.

I walked up to them quietly,knowing I wasn't being acknowledged.I had walked in ,when they had instantly walked away.I followed them to the locker room,feeling uneasy.Something was up.I just couldn't figure out what.I convinced myself that it was just a coincidence that they had happened to walk away when I turned up.

The bell had rung .It was time to start the new school year.I went to my first class,German.The teacher last year was nice enough I suppose.This year ,a new teacher called Miss O Booti started to teach us.Everyone typically made fun of her name .I stayed silent in my chair.While everyone paired up in desks next to each other,I sat down next to the window alone and plugged my earphones in my ears,letting music swallow my soul.Then I felt a faint tap on my shoulder.Irritated that I was interrupted ,I paused my song to meet the shy gaze of Mason O Grady."Is this seat taken?" he asked .I shook my head.He slumped down next to me.Mason O Grady was completely new.Surely he had heard of the weird stories of me that is well known to the school? Maybe not.But I couldn't possibly fanthom a reason why he would choose to sit next to me,when there was other perfectly normal people to sit next to.

All throughout German,Miss O Booti was revising simple phrases with us while Mason kept scribbling notes to me.One with an ignorant set of mind might call these love notes.I on the other hand refuse to believe someone as sane as him would fancy someone as messed up as me.It doesn't seem likely.But I appeared to be wrong .After class,as I was walking ,he somehow caught up with me and started chatting to me casually.Everyone in the hallway gaped.None in their right minds talk to Elena.Shes the crazy one they all say.

When we reached my locker,he leaned against it and casually asked me" Do you want to go get pizza later? I know a great pizzeria downtown and they're open till ten thirty." I was stunned.So was my audience apparently.They all let out an audible gasp.Elena of all people had a date tonight."Is that a yes or no?" he asked impatiently."Here's my address"I said scribbling it down on his arm.He pecked me swiftly on the cheek and walked away grinning.I wonder what tonight would bring? Should I keep my guard up? Is it a prank? None would sincerely WANT to date me or even be in my company.I guess I will find out tonight at the pizzaria at seven.


Authors Note:

Thanks for reading so far! I hope ye like it.By the way,this is the first time I have written a book by my own here so I hope everything's alright.Well that's it...


*so many dramatic,unnecessary e's...

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