Part 11

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Elenas P.O.V

My parents visited me today.I was released from the hospital.Two very simple things.Or so it seems.My parents said not one word to me and simply whispered maliciously among themselves." She needs help.She's obviously not helping herself "my mother whispered to my father rather loudly , for my benefit I suspect.

"I can hear you." I mumbled."Oh dear.She's awake." my mother mouthed to her partner of malice." I thought you guys were through with me.Your note told me that much.I thought you disowned me as your daughter.Or am I somehow miraculously mistaken? "I ranted quietly.My mothers countenance turned sour."I knew we shouldn't of come! We shouldn't of came! Forget we ever visited you today!"my mother exclaimed ,dragging her husband down the spotless,steel floor.That floor reminds me of my cutting knife.How I miss it.I need it.Desperately.

Time skip to later that afternoon...

I was packing my small satchel of cleansing products and my clothes for my departure of this hell hole,into a bigger one.I remembered a saying my Grandma Ophelia use to say to me whenever I was scheming something," Out of the frying pan,into the fire" She usually warned me with that idiom.

"Miss Mackey ,your guardian has come to collect you!" One of the identical nurses bellowed.I hurried my packing ,knowing Aunt Taylor would have very limited patience with me in particular.I shoved all my sentimental contents in a spare plastic shopping bag,and scurried down the corridor.

Aunt Taylor was cheerfully conversing with the receptionist of the unit about the weather.Looks can be deceiving."Elena! Darling!"she squealed in feigned delight.I knew she was pretending for her acquaintances.For her ,connections are very important for her businesses."Aunt Taylor"I returned the greeting,in a dry manner.As she advanced in steps to give me a hug ,she hissed lowly' Don't embarrass me in front of my future clients,you selfish bitch!' Theres the true Aunt Taylor I know and love...

After the goodbyes were said,Aunt Taylor dragged me to the car."We're going to your parents house.You need to get the rest of your belongings,and I need to get some documents and forms .Got it?" she instructed with an unsettling serenity,considering10 minutes ago she labelled me ' a selfish bitch'.I nodded .

When we parked in the driveway that I had grown up ,playing in,my Aunt Taylor pushed me put of the car.I fell onto the cemented pavement." Get up!" Aunt Taylor barked.We marched into the house.My sisters were in the kitchen,doing math puzzles among themselves.I waved but suddenly remembered the rules and quickly resigned my feeble greeting." Go upstairs to pack! Now" my father instructed.I ran upstairs.I packed my knife first,above everything else in my possession.Then I shoved my clothes and contents into one big brown suitcase."Ready?" My father questioned."Ready" I replied meekly,knowing this was the response they wanted to hear.

The last time I saw my family,my mother was avoiding my gaze,my father was staring me sternly in the eye, and my sisters were ignoring my presence.Some family,eh? Except now ,legally they are now not in any kind of relation to me.The papers were signed this morning.Now I am required to call my parents " Mr and Mrs Mackey." And Im not allowed to contact any member of my past immediate family or else it is brought to court,for the law to decide.Nice.Just fucking nice how my messed up life is.Nice.

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