The Return

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     Disclaimer: all rights given to S.E.Hintion for the characters that you know and the location. The only characters you do not know are the ones I made up. Thank you. Enjoy my book 😊😊😊

As I finished putting all my stuff into my room in my new house in Tulsa Oklahoma I hear A deafening scream. As I go to the window. I see all my old friends from three years ago before I had moved away because my mom had got a job in New York. But I moved back because my parents got divorced and I came back with my dad.

I quickly ran downstairs, grabbed my jacket, and ran out side. My name is Amanda, I'm going on 17 and I am a brunette with hazel eyes and I am pretty tall. Standing there was Gabi 15( a short brown haired beauty), Emma 17 (a blond curly haired crazed), Kerry 16 (a blue eyed brunette), Crhistina 16 (petite curly haired girl with hazel eyes), and Courntey 15(a loud green eyed girl). As soon as they saw me they all screamed and overloaded me with questions. I quickly told them lets go on a walk and I will tell them everything.

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