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Gabi's P.O.V.         The next day
I spend the day back at the Curtis house with Pony and Johnny. We just sat on the couch, watching Mickey on tv. I started to feel tired so I lean on Johnny and drift off into sleep. Only to have a horrible dream
I''m running. I don't know why. But when I turn around, I see him. Bob. Chasing me. He catches me. And starts punching me. And he doesn't stop. This continues for what feels like an eternity. Then he reaches for something in his pocket
I wake up to Johnny shaking me. When he sees me awake he hugs me close. He looks scared. I start crying. And he doesn't say anything. He just holds me while I cry.

Johnny's P.O.V.
When we were watching Mickey on tv, Gabi fell asleep. I didn't want to wake her. But after about ten minutes she shifts around. She is probably having a nightmare. But I still don't wake her. In a few minutes she starts screaming bloody murder. So I try to wake her. When I finally do I just hug her. She cries into my chest. I don't say anything cuz I don't know what to say. So I let her cry. After she is done I tell her "shhhh it's ok, I got you, you can go back to sleep. I will fight off the bad dreams if they come for you."
She looks at me, gives a weak smile and asks,"with what?" She is cute. "With my bare hands of course!" I say. All her friends are watching. They kind of got scared when she had her nightmare. She gives me a kiss and goes back to sleep. I hold her close, not wanting to break the promise I just made.

Christina's P.O.V.
Man, I didn't know Gabi could scream that loud. She seemed fine yesterday when we went to the Dingo. But I guess she broke when she got jumped. I think she is going greaser. She is starting to wear clothes like them, and act and talk like them. But I guess it's all worth it for her. She has Johnny. I walk over and sit next to Two Bit.
"Hey Two watcha doin?" I ask already knowing the answer. "Watching Mickey, what does it look like I'm doin?" He replied with sarcasm. "Oh I didn't realize that" I say with even more sarcasm. "Hey, did you maybe want to go to one of Buck's parties with me tonight?" He asks. OMG TWO BIT JUST ASKED ME OUT!!!!!!! Act cool  "Ya Two Bit that sounds like fun count me in!" Im going on a date with the guy of my DREAMSSS!!!!! I say in a sing song voice in my head. "Oh really, I'm the guy of your dreams?" He asks me with disbelief. OOPS I SAID THAT OUT LOUD!!! "Um..... yea you are Two. I really like you." I say. No use pretending now. What he does next shocks me. He leaned in and kissed me. His lips, slightly chapped, but still soft. He pulls me onto his lap, deepening the kiss. After a few minutes Pony yells, "Look, Two Bit finally got a girlfriend!!!!"
"It's about time" Steve yells. The kiss ends. Thanks Pony, and Steve. 

Kerri's P.O.V.
So many things just happened in the past few minutes. Gabi scared the living daylighting outta me and Christina kissed the guy of her dreams. In a way, Gabi is perfect for Johnny, they are like the same person. But I'm working on getting Steve to ask me to be his girl. But we are going to the Dingo tonight, I hope I can get him to ask me soon.

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