Love triangle #1

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Johnny's P.O.V

I really dig Gabi. She is so beautiful. But she acts like she doesn't know, maybe she doesn't. When she kisses Pony on the cheek after he said she could stay the night. I got real jealous. If he likes her too. Which I think he does. Then i stand no chance with her. He is wayyyy better with girls than me.

Amanda's P.O.V

I am talking to Soda while getting directions back to my side of town. He seemed kinda sad that we were from the other side of town. " Soda even though we are from the other side of town. My friends and I can come see and hang out with you guys all the time. I don't really like being a soc so we can come hang out with you"
He looks confused and asks " why don't you like being a soc? "
I simply respond "the guys are rude to girls and girls are mean if you aren't perfect!" Wow I just spilled everything I was thinking. That has never happened before. He looks sad and like he gets me. Then he says "be a greaser then. Come live with us you guys could, no, would be so much happier with us!!!" He practically shouts as me. I am so shocked that I hug him. He instantly hugs back.
"I have to think about that my family won't like the idea. But I will defiantly come and hang out". He looks real sad. I thank him, kiss him on the cheek and gather my girls and head out. Gabi is staying with them because her parents left. As long as she is safe. I gather the others and start to head home.

Soda's P.O.V.

I really want to have Amanda be my girl. She makes me forget about Sandy. I can be happy with her. Even though I just met her. When she kissed my cheek I felt sparks. Then I remembered that they are alone and probably have no way of defending themselves. I gather Steve and Two and run after them. We walk them home.

Ema P.O.V

When we stepped out, from the brightness of the Curtis house, into the darkness of the night. I had only one thing on my mind. GOD THEY WERE ALL SO HOT. Its a good thing that I don't have to see them again I would probably fall for one of them. Suddenly Soda, Steve, and Two run up saying they were going to walk us home. I was thankful because I was kinda scared.

Pony's P.O.V.

I'm sitting with Gabi and Johnny. I don't know why he got so mad at me. I didn't do anything wrong. It's not my fault that a cute girl likes me. But hey what can I say. But I want to know why I haven't seen her around town.
"Hey are you new in town. Cuz I haven't seen you around like...ever." I ask
"Um..... I'm a soc. I don't like it though." WOAH WAIT. SHE IS A SOC!!!
" YOUR A SOC!!!" I yelled. Poor Johnny fell asleep and shot straight up in the air. When I looked back at Gabi she had a tear on her cheek. But Johnny got to her first. DANG IT

Gabi's P.O.V

When Pony yelled out that I was a soc. Dally and Johnny and Darry all stared at me. I hate it when people stare at me. I don't want to rub it in that I have money. I couldn't break in front of them though. But one tear slips out. Johnny sees this and hugs me close. God he is so strong. I want to fall asleep in his arms.
I hear him say "shhhhh it's ok. I don't care if your a soc. You can still hang out with us. You can still be a part of the gang. " God this boy is making me melt.
"Thank you Johnny." I say and glance over at Ponyboy. He has a look of guilt and jealousy in his eyes. But Johnny doesn't let me go. I lean into him and fall asleep. My last thought was he smells nice.

Dally's P.O.V.

They are socs. I should have known. But I'm starting to fall for the tall one. Amanda. She is a doll. WAIT. NO. Dallas Winston doesn't fall for girls. Girls fall for me. STOP THINKING THAT . Gabi must hate it cuz she was practically crying. Johnny must be falling for her. The way he hugs her. I can't do that. But she... she can change me. Amanda can change me. She can make me like that. But I have to show her. This is going to be hard. But I can't let the gang know I'm going soft. So... I just get up and leave.

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