Morning at the Curtis house

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Gabi's P.O.V.

When I wake up. I'm still in Johnny's arms. It's nice to know that he cares. But I feel bad that he had to stay with me. So I decide to make them all breakfast. I carefully get up ( not wanting to wake Johnny) and head to the kitchen. I get everything that I need to make pancakes. As I mix the batter I pull out the griddle. I start cooking pancake after pancake. When a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I jump. Spinning around I see Ponyboy. WITHOUT A SHIRT!!! Holy wow! Holy ABS!!! I ask him how he slept and if he liked pancakes.
"Like them. We LOVE them!!!" I'm glad to hear that. I didn't want to cook something and have them hate it.

Pony's P.O.V.

When I woke up. Gabi wasn't with Johnny where she fell asleep last night. After looking around the house I spot her in the kitchen. She is making something. I hope it's pancakes. I love those!!! I walk up and hug her. When she turns around sees me. With out a shirt. She blushes as red as a tomato. It's kind hot when that happens. Then Johnny walks in giving me a death glare. God. I need to talk to him. Well Gabi finished the pancakes. Let's eat!!!


Soda's P.O.V.

I was just taking a shower. And then pony snaps me out of a daze. Have I been in here that long. I'm going to be late for work. I jump out of the shower and sit at the table in my towel. Gabi must have thought it was awkward cuz she wouldn't look my I the eye. Oh well though.
"Hey are your friends coming over today?" I decided to ask. I really want to see Amanda again.
"Ya they should be here soon. Just takes a while for them, to get here cuz only Emma has car" she replied.

Amanda's P.O.V.

I decide to gather friends and go to the Curtis house again. They were all pretty cool. I walk down the street and get Christina and Kerri and walk a little more to Emma's house. In the car we drive to Courtney's house. I really want to see Soda and Dally again.

Christina's P.O.V.

I like hanging out with the greasers. But I'm afraid to get jumped and there are bad kids in this neighborhood.  But then again there are on the other side of town too. I'm just going to go with the flow. I also want to see Two Bit again. He was pretty cute. Then again they all were.

Kerri's P.O.V.

I really like hanging out with the greasers. Steve is hot. I hope that he can get over Courtney and notice me. But i can settle hanging out with them. I could see myself giving up soc life to be a greaser. If I can get Steve. A girl can dream....

Courtney's P.O.V.

I don't like hanging out with those greasers. I hated it when Steve was checking me out and trying to win me over. It was pissing me off. I hope that they aren't thinking of becoming a greaser for them. If they do. They can count me out of whatever they are doing. I'm a soc. And I'm staying a soc, no matter what.

Emma's P.O.V.

I hate hanging with those hoods. I can't believe that Gabi stayed the night. I can't believe that we are going back. Ugh. The nerve that Two bit had to ask for my number last night. I didn't want to be rude so I gave him a fake. Ugh. And they want to use my car. I'm not letting those hoods in my car. NO MATTER WHAT!!!

Amanda's P.O.V.

When we get to the Curtis house. I walk in to see Soda in nothing but a towel sitting in a chair watching Micky. Two watching Micky drinking and eating cake. Johnny and Pony talking quietly. Gabi washing dishes. Darry yellin at Soda to get ready for work. And Steve just sitting there. Dallas wasn't there yet. I wonder where he is.

Pony's P.O.V.

I took Johnny to talk about the Gabi thing. I'm kinda nervous to see if he likes her too.
"Johnny I can tell you like Gabi. But we can't let her ruin our friendship."I start out. I really don't want to ruin our friendship. Johnny is my best friend.
"Yah I do like her. But you are right. She needs to choose though. But what if one of us ends up with her. This is a tough situation?" He replies. He is right though. What if Johnny wins her over and I'm left in the friend zone. That would crush me. The same thing for him probably too. I was going too say something else but he walked away to help Gabi with the dishes.

Johnny's P.O.V.
I couldn't take the conversation with Pony anymore. So I went to help Gabi with the dishes.
Hey Gabi.
Hi she said back. Could you dry these dishes while I finish up with these.
Sure, I replied. Oh and I was wondering if you would like to go see a nightly double with the gang and I tonight. You are welcome to bring your friends.
She immediately said yes. I was immediately excited.
Right then Dallas came stumbling in.

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