Meeting the Gang

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After three long hours of gossiping we all decided we should start heading back. As we were walking we could not recognize anything. So we decided go ask for some directions. When we finally saw a house with lights on we all frantically ran up to it. I knocked on the door and suddenly a gorgeous angel appeared. Of course Emma fainted at the sight of the angel. He suddenly spoke up and sad "is she ok?" I replied back in a shaky voice " oh...yah... she's ok, but we are wondering if we could have directions." He said sure just follow me in as we were all caring Emma's limp body.

     When we entered the small living room I noticed Mickey was on T.V and then there became an over load of boys. Suddenly the guy who was talking to us said his name is Sodapop, and right at that moment Emma woke up and said "like Soda p~o~p?" Of course Gabi had to say " well that's original!"

     After the weird conversation...Sodapop introduced us to his gang. And the first word that came to my mind was hot.

Sodapop's P.O.V
     As the gang and I were hanging out I suddenly heard footsteps running and then a knock on the door.  Since nobody wanted to answer it, I did. I opened the door to find 6 hot girls at my door. One girl with curly dirty blonde hair faints as soon as she sees me. Weird
I'm kinda worried about her so I ask " is she ok?"
The tall girl who I think is pretty hot says " oh... Ya... She is ok but we need directions." 
I let them in my house so I could help them out. I also didn't want them getting jumped this late at night.  Then I told them my name and the girl who had passed out woke suddenly saying my name. 
Another girl with short brown hair spoke up and said " well that's original". To be honest I hate it when people say that about my name. Why do they care. My name is my name. But I let it go.  I'm going to introduce them to the gang

Amanda's P.O.V

Soda started introducing us to his "gang".
We have "Dallas Winston 17 years old"
" Steve Randle 17 " just like Soda
"Darry Curtis 20" Soda's older brother
"Two- Bit Matthews 18"
" Johnny Cade 16"
  And last but not least "Ponyboy Curtis 14" Soda's younger brother.
They all seemed so nice and they were all checking us out.  Specifically Dally and Soda were looking at me. Pony and Johnny were checking out Gabi. Two Bit was all over Emma. And Steve was checking out Courtney. Christina and Kerri are standing alone checking out Two and Steve. I was really starting to dig Soda and Dally. I can see us girls hanging out with these guys.

Gabi's P.O.V.

OMG...... THESE BOYS ARE ALL SOOOOO FRIKIN HOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTT. Soda looks like a movie star. Pony is soooooo dreamy and adorable. Johnny has beautiful eyes that I could get lost in.  Two was practically a child. So am I. Steve was showing off doing push-ups. He was pretty cute trying to win over Courtney. Darry is just hot, but he is WAYYYYYYYY to old for me sooooooo..... ya.   Dallas was standing in the corner staring at all of us, but mostly me and Amanda, mostly Amanda. But i really like Pony and Johnny. I decide to go sit between them on the couch. As soon as I sit down. I remember about my parents. I can't go back home tonight. They packed their bags and just left one day. I don't want to go home alone. So I make a daring move and ask Pony if I can stay the night
"Hey Pony, I know we just met and all but my parents left me a few days ago and I hate staying in that house all by my self. Would you mind if I crashed here for a night or two. While I get back on my feet?"
"Ya sure you can take the couch. It will be no problem. Stay as long as you need." I'm so shocked by his response that I almost cry.
" OMG THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME" as soon as that pops out of my mouth I kiss him on the cheek. I don't remember planning to do that. He blushes a deep scarlet red. Which makes me blush. Johnny just looks jealous.  Weird.

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