The Nightly Doubble drama part 1

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Courtney's P.O.V
As we were walking up I finally saw other Socs and I felt at ease. So I noticed some other people that I recognized and I started running towards them and Emma ran after me. Oh and thank god Cherry was there.

Amanda's P.O.V
When we were walking up I noticed that Courteny and Emma ran off. I was wondering where they were but then I noticed they were talking to Cherry! THE CHERRY VALENCE, THAT HAS BEEN MY WHOLE ENTIRE GROUPS ENEMY SINCE KINDERGARTEN. Or I thought my whole entire group.

My face turned a bright tomato at the sight of this. Soda noticed and comforted me. Then he asked what was wrong. I told him about Cherry and the whole rivalry between us. Then he hugged me and said I know you're right and I will take your side and protect you know matter what.
After that little situation I sat down with Dallas on my right and Soda on my left. Right then I realized I liked both of these boys.

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