Just Our Luck

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Gabi's P.O.V
As Amanda and I were walking to the grocery store Amanda started balling. I tried to comfort her but she just kept on curling up and pushing me away. Man something real bad must have happen to her.

Apparently Dally cheated on her with Cherry. When I first heard this I was furious. But when I was thinking about this situation I realized that Dally would never do that to her. When we arrived at the store her face was as bright as a tomato. I feel so bad for her. I tried making her laugh but when she began to laugh she would cry. After the little situation she had she was smiling again. And we began to head back.

Amanda's P.O.V
Man I was so red. I felt so embarrassed walking through the store. People kept on staring at me. I mean who wouldn't. I must have looked crazy with my sweatpants and red face. Anyways I noticed in the corner of my eye that Bob was looking at me. Great what does he want now!

Bob's P.O.V
When I was driving around with my gang I noticed that Amanda was with her friend Gabi. But she was crying for some reason. It's probably because of those hoods she hangs out with. I can't believe she had the nerve to become a greaser. So I decided to follow them and stir up some trouble.
When she walked into the grocery store I followed her in. But after a few moments she noticed me and ran to the restroom. Oh and man she had a red face.

Amanda's P.O.V.
I am so scared, what am I going to do?! Gabi and I will probably get beat up if there following us. In a Quiet tone I asked Gabi"what are we going to do?" She replied back "I don't know what Bob wants, but I have a feeling it's trouble." We decided to weight for about twenty minutes and then we bolted out of the store. When we thought we were safe we began to walk. But then all of a sudden a blue mustang pulled up right next to us. Just our luck.

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