Chapter 2 - The Library

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Hermione's POV:

I slowly approached the library, not knowing what to expect when I walked in.

'Just do it, Hermione!' I told myself. I slowly opened the doors and walked in, my confidence bobbing up and down. There, I saw him. He was leaning against the bookshelf, his arms crossed, a smug look on his face.

"I knew she would turn up." 

I blushed harder then I ever have before. "Well, I-"

Before I could talk anymore, Fred did it.

Fred kissed me.

I was startled so I stepped back, but fully pleased. Fred shot me a smile and took my hand.

"You good, Granger?" He asked me.
"Perfect." I said, smiling.

We walked into the halls, and I instantly got looks. Some were of encouragement, some were of anger. Girls started chatting amongst themselves, giving dirty looks to me. I snuggled close to Fred, trying to block them out.

"It's okay 'Mione. Look, how bout we head to the great hall? They're about to do the ceremony for the TriWizard Tournament." Fred said, trying to get my spirits up.

"Sure," I said, squeezing his hand tighter.

They entered the great hall, which slowly increased with people. I. Sat in front of Fred, next to Harry and Ron. Ron gave us questioning looks when he came in, but I didn't think much of it. As the champion's were called, we all cheered, but when another piece of parchment flew out of the goblet, we all fell silent. As Dumbledore whispered Harry's name, Fred squeezed my shoulder.

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore boomed.

"Go Harry!" I said, pushing him.

As he disappeared, I looked back and Fred with worry etched upon my face. I knew he could tell because he outstretched his arms for me. I stood up and hugged him as tight as I ever have.

~Back at the Common Room~

"Fred, what if he gets hurt? Or worse- killed? No, no, no... This CANNOT be happening! Who put his name in the goblet anyway? It's not possible... The age line would've kicked him out..."
"HERMIONE" Fred yelled, trying to get my attention. "He. Will. Be. Fine. It's Harry Potter, ya know, fended off You-know-who when he was a baby? You've go nothing to worry about."
"Shh..." He said, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Trust me."

Fred smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "Night, Granger."

He climbed up the stairs to the boys dormitories, smiling one last time at me. I sat there for a while, looking into the fire. Before I knew it I had dozed off in the common room.

I had appeared in the stands of the Quiditch field, looking down with everyone at the person who was in the field. It was Harry. But Harry wasn't alone, he was standing 10 yards away from none other than Voldemort.
"What?" I yelled, but my pleads being drowned out by the sounds of cheers.
They circled each other for. While, shooting spells that were defended. Then suddenly, Voldemorts voice rung I thin the stands, "AVADA KEDAVRA"
Then Harry fell to the ground, and the stadium went quiet...
"HARRY!" I screamed...

I suddenly jolted awake, sweating an my voice hoarse. "What-?"
Then, I saw the faces of Harry, Ron, Fred and Ginny looking at me.

"Hermione are you okay? You were screaming my name..." Harry said.
"Goodness 'Mione, you look terrible," Fred said, a worried expression plastered on his face.
"Just a bad dream... I'll be okay..." I told them reassuringly.

When they left, I grabbed Fred's hand and asked him to stay. I explained the dream and he just cradled me in his strong arms. Before I could get a grip on what was happening, tears were streaming down my face.

"Shh, shh, I'm here. It's okay," Fred said, rubbing my back.

I finally settled down enough to go to my own bed, but I never fell asleep, to afraid the dream would come back.

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