Chapter 9 - The Third Task

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A/N: Please know that the maze scenes and the Voldemort scene is very hard to write, so I won't be putting in the details.

No One's POV:

  The Third Task day started out grim. Hermione was beside Fred all morning whilst Ron hid from Kate to avoid getting another beating.  The day went slow until the third task of the TriWizard Tournament. Everyone was shuffling into the stands. Fred and Hermione sat down next to Caroline and George, and after a while, Caty and Kate sat down next to them.

"What took y'all so long?" Fred asked.
"Kate and I were telling Garret and Cedric goodbye and good luck." Caty answered.
"Oh. Wait- Garret's not in the tournament, how ?"
"He's a helper in the maze. Dumbledore put a protection spell on him for the maze. He'll be fine..." Caty trailed off, assuring us he would be fine. But her voice trembled at the thought.

The Third Task was a giant maze with a trophy in the middle of it. There was moving walls and monsters around every corner. The champions were ready and standing. Since Cedric and Harry were tied, they were the first to go into the maze. While the maze walls were short, we could see Garret watching the cup to make sure the winner was fair. But right before the walls came up, his face suddenly turned to curiosity. The walls were up and the whistle blew. Cedric and Harry ran off into the maze, Fleur and Krum close on their heels. It was about a half an hour until Fleur was out of the maze. The crowd cheered as spells were cast in the maze. Then, suddenly, there was shouting, and suddenly silence filled the maze and crowd. Kate and Caty stood up.

"That was Garret's shouting!" Caty cried as she scooted closer to the edge.


Harry and Cedric started towards the cup, and were inches away until Garret burst through the shrubbery, shouting,  and grabbed onto the cup with them. Harry and Cedric didn't realize what he was doing until they were in the air, spinning.

The cup was a portkey.

They landed in a graveyard, meeting someone they didn't want to. Voldemort. Cedric scrambled up, Garret on his heels.

"How? How did you get here?!" Garret yelled, raising his wand.
"Pitiful." Voldemort spat.

He raised his wand and shouted, 'Avada kedavra". With a flash of green light Garret hit the ground. Cedric ran over to him and fell to his knees. Holding Garret's limp body in one arm and his wand in the other, he shouted "Stupefy!" But Voldemort was quicker. Again, he shouted, ' Avada Kedavara' . Clutching Garret, Cedric became limp along with him.
"NO!" Harry cried.


The stands were silent as the professors lowered the maze to see what had happened. No one one there except the body of Krum. People gasped and whispered to eachother. The Durmstrang kids were outraged. Caty and Kate had looks of confusion with urgency.

"WHERE IS CEDRIC?!" Kate yelled at the nearest Professor.
"WHERE IS GARRET?!" Caty also yelled.

They stormed out of the stands and too the steps.

"Fred, where is he?!" Hermione cried. "Where is Harry?"
"I don't know-"

He was cut off by Harry, Cedric and Garret falling from the sky with the TriWizard Cup. They fell down, and Garret and Cedric weren't moving.

"GARRET!" Caty cried, running over to him, falling to her knees.
"CEDRIC!" Kate said, falling to her knees also.
"Garret, please!" Caty said, tears falling down her face.

Dumbledore ran over to the sobbing girls and sobbing Harry. He spoke to a sobbing Harry while Snape tried to take Caty off of Garret. "NO!" She screamed. "TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!"

Professor McGonagall tried the same to Kate, but her grip on Cedric was too strong. That was it. Cedric and Garret were dead.

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