Chapter 7- The Yule Ball

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No One's POV:

The 5 girls squealed and chatted at the top of the stairs, checking each others hair and fixing any flaws in their look. They were finishing makeup and flattening out any wrinkles that weren't supposed to be on their dresses. While they were doing that, the boys were waiting impatiently at the bottom of the stairs.

"I swear those girls take FOREVER..." Garret mumbled.
"You'll get used to it," George said, leaning against the wall.

All the boys wore their finest dress robes.  Their ties and bowtie (Garret) matched their house color. Their hair was combed back (the twins having their hair short, since the girls made them cut it) and their shoes polished.

Then, the girls were ready. All in a line side by side, they walked down the large stairs, smiling and some holding their dresses so they wouldn't trip. Garret was the first one too notice so he turned and his jaw dropped. And somehow, everyone else noticed them. Everyone turned and started to whisper. Even some of the onlooking professors glanced their way.

"You look... stunning..." Garret said to Caty. She blushed. "Thanks!"
Cedric didn't have any words, and Kate just giggled and kissed him.
Fred spun Hermione around and told her she looked gorgeous.
George kept on ranting of how Caroline looked so pretty and that he looked terrible. "NO!" She would say.
And The Ravenclaw Catie took, Ashton, compared her to the most beautiful person in the world.

"So, Um, The Champions are supposed to dance first, and it's the time for the dance, so would you accompany me?" Cedric asked Kate, stuttering.
"Of course I will," She answered, smiling.

Kate took Cedric's arm and they stood outside the door, waiting for everyone to get in.

"We won't hold you," Caroline said. "Good luck!"

The Four walked into the Great Hall and sat down at a table, saving two seats for Kate and Cedric.

Meanwhile, Kate and Cedric were standing behind closed doors, waiting for them to open and them start the waltz. in front of Cedic was Harry, which a flashback came across Kate's mind.

~Flash Back~
Kate stood at the top of the owlry, when she heard footsteps. She was done here anyway, so she just left. Before she could even be out the door, Harry stopped her.
"Kate, er, would you want to go to the Yule Ball, with me?" He asked her.
"Oh, Harry, Um... Someone already asked me..." She replied.
"Oh-yeah. okay, uh, have fun!"
~End of Flashback~

Kate hated to refuse Harry, but her boyfriend asked her,  so really she couldn't decline.

Then, the doors opened, and the champions (with their dates) walked down a pathway to the dance floor. They took position, and started to dance. They fast-waltzed, having the girls thrown up into the air every once in a while. Then, 2 professors would join in. After all the professors were done, Caty and Garret came onto the dance floor, urging their friends too also. George, Caroline, Fred and Hermione went on after Caty and Garret, then Catie and Ashton. They all waltzed and danced until the whole school was in it. Ron, glaring angrily at Hermione, sat down.

Fred spun Hermione around and waltzed with her perfectly, sometimes adding some romantic flare. So did George with Caroline. Hermione looked into Fred's eyes and she could see the future. She could just see their wedding day, and them moving into a little apartment. She could see the look of pure happiness when Fred found out he was going to be a father, and she could see them waving goodbye to their red-headed children on the Hogwarts express. But she shook it off, not knowing Fred saw the same thing.

After the elegant waltz, it was just a party. Hermione slipped away for a moment to see what Harry and Ron were up too.

"You okay Hermione?" Harry asked.
"How could I not be?" I said, sitting beside him.
"Your swooning." He said, chuckling a bit.
I blushed. "Well, it's a good reason why."

Ron suddenly got up from the table and stormed out. Harry and Hermione gave each other looks of confusion and went after him. "Ron, wait!" Hermione called.

"Why should I? Your happy enough with Fred, aren't you?" He snapped.
"Ron, don't do this to me! I finally found someone who makes me truly happy, and your just jealous!"
"He's using you, can't you see? Oh wait, you obviously can't."
"Ron, stop-" Harry started, but Hermione interrupted him.
"The Happiest day of my life, and you come and spoil it!"

Ron stormed up the stairs, Harry on his heels. Hermione collapsed on the stairs, sobbing. She took her heels off and set them on the step. She brought her knees up to her chest, staining her dress with tears. After 2 minutes, Caroline burst through the doors, looking for her, George right behind her. When she saw Hermione, she instantly rushed to her side, hugging her and asking what happened. When she explained, George was red.

"That's it! I'm getting Fred, and we are setting him straight." George said, sprinting into the Great Hall before Caroline could stop him.

Caty and Garret emerged from the crowd, Caty also rushing over.

"What happened?" She whispered.

Caroline explained, and Caty stood up.

"No! I want take this anymore! That man will be DEAD by the time I'm done with him!" She exclaimed.
"Same here. How dare he treat a girl that way?" Garret said, his jaw tight.

Just in time, Fred and George appeared. "Y'all killing him too?" They asked.
The two nodded, and they 4 stormed up the stairs, muttering under their breath.

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