Chapter 18- "Should've been me..."

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Harry's POV:

I was happy for Hermione. Ron on the other hand, was not. During the war, Ron spoke to NO one. Not even me.

When Ron had the locket, he destroyed it with everything he had. When he destroyed it, his worst fears came out. In whispy smoke came spiders, and more spiders, but one thing caught my eye. In white smoke, there was Fred, with a wand pointed to his chest. Ron's facial expressions turned unreadable. His eyes started to glisten with the reflection of the smoke. The wand spewed white and Fred was on the floor. Suddenly, it changed to Hermione. Her hand was rubbing up and down her right arm. Her bottom lip quivered and her hand moved from one her arm to her face. She wiped a single, shining tear that was rolling down her cheek. Then, the images were gone. Ron collapsed to the floor.

"Harry, I have to find Fred." He told me quickly.
"okay th-" but before I could speak, he was off, me sprinting after him.

After a few battles, we saw Fred a long ways away. He was backed into a corner, someone pointing their wand at him. His wand was at least 10 yards away from him. His red hair was matted with blood and his arms and face were scraped. His eyes showed no emotion, like he knew what was about to happen. We were too far away to hear, but the person with the wand was speaking something, their lips curling more and more as they spoke. Ron suddenly sprinted towards him.

"Ron!" I yelled after him, but it was too late.

"This is it boy. AVADA KEDAVERA!" The person spoke.

Fred closed his eyes in preparation, but Ron was faster. Ron leaped as far and fast as he could. He jumped in front of Fred and took the spell for him. Ron's limp body fell to the ground, and a shaking Fred started at him in terror. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open. His eyes were becoming Red from tears. Then, as in a fit of rage, Fred jumped an grabbed his wand. Before anyone could react. He shot the spell at the person, who crumpled to the ground. He stood there, panting, when he dropped his wand and ran to Ron. He collapsed at his body and shook his brother. I watched from afar, my heart hurting. I was in utter shock. I just lost a best friend, but Fred had just lost a brother. Fred embraced Ron's body as tears rolled down his cheek.

"Come back" His whispered. "I'm ready for this..."

Suddenly, a limping Hermione came from behind a piece of building, along with Caty and George. George eyes instantly saw Fred huddled over Ron and instantly knew.

"Ron?" He whimpered. He fell to his knees next to his twin and rubbed his back. Fred hugged George tightly, tears still streaming.

Hermione looked at Ron in shock, tears also spilling. Caty sighed and shook her head in rage.

"This is ENOUGH!" She screamed. Broth Fred and George looked up. "I have lost TOO many friends today! My boyfriend died on that EVIL man's behalf. I will kill EVERY one if its the last thing I do. I will avenge the school, and all the lived lost today."

She stormed off too where a crowd was gathered, and not long after we heard screams no her voice yelling death spells.
Hermione suddenly stopped crying and fell to the floor. Her face as white and ear eyes closed.

"Hermione!" I yelled as I ran over. Her pulse was fine.

About two minutes later, she awoke, her head bleeding from hitting the concrete. As if nothing happened, she pushed me aside and hugged Fred.

"Hermione, it should've been me..."
"It should've been me... My baby brother, Hermione..." Fred cried.

George stayed silent and started at Ron's body in disbelief. That was it. Today, we had lost Ron Weasley.

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