Chapter 14 - The "G" Word

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Hermione's POV:

In the morning classes started early. Well, early in the sense of waking up. I woke up and slowly arose out of bed, yawning every other minute. I got dressed and gabbed my stuff. I sheepishly walked downstairs, missing the last step but recovering from the near fall. Fred was in the common room, laughing at me with a huge smile.

"Don't laugh!" I scolded him.
"Sorry princess, I just wanted to get a morning greeting," Fred said, winking at me.
"Mmm hmm," I said softly, kissing him.

He broke it off and gave me a cheeky grin before going out the door. I still could see the dream I had last night. Yeah, it's cheesy, but I've never felt this way about someone.

~Hermione's Dream~

I sat on a rug in the living room of a small house. Fred sat across from me, clapping his hands and saying, "Come to dada!"

In the middle of us was a small, red headed baby with bright blue eyes  clumsily walking towards Fred. When the baby reached him he picked her up and ticked her. "Good job!"' he said. "Now, go to mama,"'

The baby smiled and started towards me...

~End of dream~

Yeah. But the thing is it seemed so real. And when it felt real, I felt truly happy. I snapped back to reality and scurried off to transfiguration.

~Time Skip : End of classes~

I was dragging my feet to the Great Hall, which is unusual, until someone grabbed my hand and spun me around. I giggled as I raised one leg and was truly spinning. "Fredrick," I said between giggles.
"Hermione," He said, dipping me.
"When did you learn?"
"Don't ask questions!" He replied, smiling.

He lifted me back up and escorted me into the Great hall. My arm in his, he went and walked me down the isle to two free seats at the Gryffindor table.

"Oh look- the mudblood got a Weasley! Typical," A voice spat. It was Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin. Him and his little gang burst out in evil laughter.

"Fred," I started, but it was too late.
"Back off my girlfriend, Malfoy," Fred shouted.

Did he just call me, his girlfriend? I'm not saying I'm not okay with it, but wow... I wasn't expecting that. I expect it was time, since we had been together for a year now. But, was I prepared for that?

"Oh you're serious now, are you?" Draco snapped.
"Always been."
"Fine, play your little "house" game. I'll get out of your way," He said, rolling his eyes.

Fred didn't speak to anyone after that. He stayed completely silent, tuning out anyone who tired to speak to him, even me. It didn't bother me at first, but when I tried to talk to him and he turned his head from me, I got angry. I didn't know if I wanted the "girlfriend" title anymore. When the feast was done, I held my head high and walked to the common room, and took my usual spot.

Fred walked in and sat down next to me. "Hey 'Mione-"
"Oh look, he's actually talking!"
Fred stayed silent for a moment. "Hermione, I'm sorry. I was just mad. You know I wouldn't do that to you,"
"You called me your girlfriend one second, and refused to even look at me the other."
"I'm SORRY Okay?! I apologized once and you made me do it again?"

His eyes had a pleading look to them and he shouted that. A thought came across my mind that I was being to harsh, but  I used it aside and dint say anything. Fred looked at me and then went up the stairs to the boys dormitories.

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