Chapter 10 - Regrets

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Hermione's POV:

That day and the next was honestly a blur. Caty and Kate were so in shock and too busy sobbing for anyone to talk to them. They spent their days curled up in the great hall, sobbing into each others shoulders or going through old pictures. They were taken off homework for the time being.

Today was the day of the funeral for both Cedric and Garret. Caty and Kate sat at the front, silently crying.

"Today, we mourn the loss of two amazing boys. They had loved ones, and people who romantically loved them." Dumbledore stated. Caty and Kate were hugging each other now.

There was several glances shot across the room. They were all of sympathy. Everyone knew that Kate and Cedric were serious, while Caty and Garret were new, but still really liked each other. Dumbledore paused for a moment before continuing.

"It is not certain how they died," He started, glancing a "I-know-just-bear-with-me" look at Harry, "but they died true heroes." (You could hear sniffles from professors at this point)

The service was over 30 minutes later, and me and Fred stood outside the door.

"It was really terrible." Fred whispered.
"Yeah." I agreed.

We stood there for a moment, until Fred slid himself in front of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled at me. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. We stood there for about a minute and then I hugged him.

"That won't happen to you, right?" I said into his chest.
"I'd hope not."
"That Wasn't very convincing."
"That's all I got babe." He said, smiling.

Caty and Kate groggily came out of the great hall, Caty's eyes red, while Kate had tears on her cheeks.

"Hey," Fred said softly. "You alright?"

Caty and Kate nodded and gave a tiny smile to us before walking off. They seemed better than before, maybe cause someone reached out to them. The Hufflepuffs were the main ones to help them, since they lost a friend too.

I sat in the chair in the Gryffindor common room, staring into the fire. Harry came down the steps and sat on the opposite chair.

"You believe me right?" He asked.
"Harry, of course I believe you. It's just... Everyone is really confused and shocked at the moment. I mean, Garret and Cedric are dead. And Garret wasn't even competing in the tournament!" I paused. "They come round."
"Think so?"
"I know so."

I smiled at him and looked back at the fire. I truthfully didn't know if they would all believe Harry. I just needed to tell him that to calm him, and myself.

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