Chapter 16- Part Of Me (Time Skip)

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Hey Guys! I'm going to skip to the end of the semester to get a good story and not just filler chapters. :) It won't be the same as the book, but hey, in the book there isn't Fremione, *Sigh* anywho, enjoy!

Fred's POV:

        Today was the day. The day me and George left Hogwarts. It was a day I had stressed about all year. Hermione knew, but we had never really talked about it. It was unspoken, Honestly. George and I both were dreading the day as it came. We had been planning a huge exit since the summer. I hadn't thought about the part of the year I can't spend with Hermione. Well, not much anyways. It hurt too much to think about.

     George andCaroline were the same way, honestly. He moped around the dormitory the last day.

"Fred, what am I going to do? I mean, I know you're leaving Hermione behind too, but you're more stable than I am."

I laughed. "Stable? I'm as stable as stacked sand when it comes to Hermione. I just am scared that Ron will do something too her."

George stayed silent at this. We both knew that either of us didn't have an answer. I wanted to think that everything would be okay, but I would just be lying to myself. We had planned to  set off a portable swamp in the great hall. But, with the great idea from Ginny, we  decided to make some of the moss shape into two hearts with the initials of me, Hermione and George and Caroline. It's cheesy, but Ginny threatened to jinx us. But George liked it, and we were going to keep it from Hermione and Caroline.


Hermione, Ron, Caroline and Harry were taking there OWLS, so me and George set off. When we placed the swamp, the teachers were frantic to clean it, and every student was out, looking. Me and George hoped on our brooms, giving a wink to the smiling Hermione and Caroline.

One week later I received a picture in the mail of the hearts, an a note on the back:

"Love you too."

Hey guys! After this chapter I will be skipping to the battle of hogwarts because it will take a few chapters. Just for y'all to know there will be a sequel with their futures after this book. Thanks!

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