Chapter 5- The Second Task

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Fred's POV:

I woke up and went down to the common room, expecting to see Hermione reading in her regular spot, but she wasn't there. I got slightly worried, since fuming Ron and Hermione were summoned into Dumbledore's office last night, and I wasn't here to see them back. George looked at me for a while, seeing if I would show any other emotion, or tell him something, but I was too busy thinking if something bad had happened.

"George, what if Ron hurt her?"
"What?" he asked.
"Him and Hermione were summoned into Dumbledore's office last night, and their not back."
"How do you know they aren't, like, reading or something useless like that?"

I shook my head. "Hermione would have read in the common room, she says it helps her think."
"What about the Great hall?" George offered.
"Maybe... Let's go."

We arrived there, but no Hermione, or Ron. At this point, I was nearly pulling my hair out.

"I'll check the hospital wing just incase," said George. "Meet you at the 2nd task."

The Second Task! They were probably there with Harry. Yeah, that's it. I went to call for George, but he was already gone, so I went on without him. Besides, we're like magnets, we'll find each other anyway. I showed up at the lake and took my spot, no sign of Ron or Hermione. George was beside me in a flash, reporting they weren't in the hospital wing. I started to really get anxious.

Harry and the other champions for the second task had to dive into the lake, find and rescue their treasure. They had 1 hour to do so. The whistle blew, and they all dived into the lake. The crowd was mainly silent until Fluer came up from the water, gasping and look of worry  etched upon her face. Nothing was with her, so she must have not found the treasure, or her charm wore off. The girls at her school wrapped her in a towel, whispering in French. Just a few minutes after Fleur, Krum broke through the water, and along with Hermione.

"Hermione!" I yelled, jumping through the crowds to see her safe. Krum pulled her up to the deck, her still coughing and shivering. They wrapped her in a towel, and she turned to me, her shoulders fell in relief. She hugged me tightly, and I didn't care that she was sopping wet with ice cold water. I only cared that she was safe.

"Her-min-eee, are you okay?" Krum asked.
"Fine, thanks." Hermione answered, smiling.

She turned back to me, but then the crowd cheered, and I saw that Cedric had pulled up his treasure, Kate. She was gasping for breath, being pulled by Cedric. When they were on the deck, Kate engulfed him in a hug. The last person that needed to come was Harry. The hour was well over when the crowed erupted again. Harry had brought 2 people up. Ron, and Fleur's sister, Gabriele. Fleur burst into tears of joy and rushed over to meet them.

"Gabrielle, tell him 'vank you!" Fleur told her sister.
"'Vank you" Gabrielle said, kissing his cheek. They did the same to Ron, after him saying he helped.

"Doubt it." I mumbled.
"What?" Ron said, looking like he wanted to pick a fight.
"I said, "doubt it"." I said, turning away from him.
"Say it again!" Ron shouted, slightly pushing me. "First, you steal my girl, then you say I didn't help?" He said this all while cornering me, walking me closer to the edge. "Your older, yes, but I've had enough of this! You always taking advantage of me, not just here."

George got down from the stands and started to help me. "Ron, stop it!" He said, grabbing his arm, but Ron threw his hand off.

"NO! I will take no more orders from you!" He turned back to me, my heels dangling off the edge.
"Ron don't you dare-" George started, but Ron didn't listen.

He took his hand and shoved me off the edge. I landed in the ice cold water, and swimming up to the top. When I came through, I heard the stands chatting and Professor McGonagall scolding Ron. George was leaning over the side, his eyes full of anger.

"You okay Fred?" He called out.
"F-fine..." I replied, shivering.
George turned around, "Well, what are you waiting for?! Get him out!" He shouted at onlookers.

I was out of the water when Hermione ran and hugged me again. "Fred..." She started.
"Shh, it's not your fault," I said, kissing her.

I could her George in the background, yelling at Ron.

"Oh just you WAIT until Mum hears what you've done! She will have gone MAD! Dad's gonna-" Their voices were drained out, since they were going back to the school.

"Professor, Please, continue with the ceremony.  Excuse my brother." I said to Professor McGonagall.

They finished the ceremony, everyone still talking about the incident.

"You alright Fred?" Harry asked me.
"Fine, but listen, I didn't  want to take the attention away from the champions , so go be one okay?"

He nodded and headed to the great hall. I went back to the common room and sat by the fire. It was a good hour before Hermione walked in.

"I'm so sorry Fred." She said softly, snuggling up to me.
"Like I said, it's not your fault," I told her.
"Yes, I know, but it feels like it..."
"Well stop thinking that."
"I can't"
"Well then think of something else," I said, "Like how much I love you."
"How much is that?"
"Way to much to think of."

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