Chapter 15 - Never Again

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Hermione's POV: (Sorry, I have a lot of these)

That morning I went downstairs to encounter Caroline.

"Hey Caroline!" I said, walking up to her.
"Oh, hey Hermione," She said quietly, not meeting my gaze.
"You alr-"
"I have to go, bye," She said quickly, scurrying out the door.

I didn't know what was happening. Most of my friends weren't talking to me, and I haven't seen Fred all morning. Then, George came down the steps. He went after Caroline, glaring at me while walking. Now it really seemed like everyone wasn't talking. Ginny was the only one who would carry out a full conversation with me, though at some points she seemed a little pained. Even Caty and Kate kept quiet. It wasn't until after Transfiguration in the hallway where I saw Fred. I was hurrying along, my head low to hide the tears that were streaming down my face since Draco made some comment. Then, suddenly, I bumped into someone and my books went everywhere. I slumped into a sobbing ball on the floor.

"Hermione?" I heard someone say. I looked up too see Fed running towards me. "Hermione what happened?"

I didn't respond to him. I looked into his blue eyes and saw nothing like what I saw yesterday. It was worry, compassion, and caring. At that moment I realized that it was all a stupid argument. Fred was only standing up for me, and I jumped to conclusions. Fred was on his knees, looking at me. I suddenly engulfed him into a tight hug, whispering to him that I was sorry and all the reasons I was wrong. He hugged me just as tight, his hand holding the back of my head.

"I love you, 'Mione" he whispered.
"I love you more."

Authors note:

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! Little brain dead right now. I need YOUR help, though. And really, PLEASE comment on this. I have three ideas and you must vote in the comments below. Thank you!!

1. Skip to the battle of hogwarts and have the future in this book (Kinda like having the sequel in this book)
2. Have this book end at the ending of the battle of hogwarts (and then have a sequel)
3. Have the book end at the battle of hogwarts and at the end do a "where are they now" thing.

Put the number you like in the comments!


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