Chapter 4- Date Night

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Caroline's POV:

It was Hogsmeade weekend, and Fred had offered for Hermione, Caty, Kate, and I to meet at The Leaky Cauldron with our dates for just a relaxed day. Obviously, I couldn't  say no. When your dating a Weasley twin, you can't do anything without the other twin, and soon, Hermione will figure that out.

We left Hogwarts, all chatting amongst our selves, until we arrived. The group split up so it wouldn't look to suspicious. As we were walking, George would give me the occasional smile, but it wasn't like he usually was.

"You alright?" I said, holding his hand.
"Yeah..." George said, almost in a daze.
"George," I started.
He looked back at me with emotion on his face I couldn't read. He looked angry.
"Listen, I am super excited that Fred has finally found a girl, but what I'm angry about is Ron. All I see him do now is give angry glared to Fred and Hermione, an even when their not with each other, he is still angry at them. I mean, yes, I get it that he's mad because he had a crush on Hermione, but he should've made a move sooner!" George ranted.

I listened. I didn't really know what to think, because I wasn't very fond of Ron. We didn't talk much, and I didn't really want to talk to him, giving all the stories I've heard from George.

"Look! There's Caty and Garret!" I said, breaking off our conversation.

Caty waved at us and we walked into The Leaky Cauldron together. Fred and Hermione were already there. Kate and Cedric came in 5 minutes later. After we had all sat down with our Butterbeer, and started talking about the next task.

"Cedric, are you ready?"  Caty asked.
"Actually, yes." He said coolly.
"Any details ?" Caty asked, smiling.
"You'll find out at the task." He said, returning the grin.
Caty and Cedric were both Hufflepuff, so they joke around with each other all the time. Kate looked a little skeptical, but I winked at her and she smiled back. We talked about more stuff and then told ourselves we should start to head back. Of course, me and Hermione had to wait while the twins went into the joke shop.

"Boys, eh?" Hermione said.
"haha, yeah." I replied.

When they were both out, we headed back to Hogwarts, sticking together. We bumped into Ron and Harry on the way, and I invited them to sit with us, and they both agreed. We sat talking, until I noticed Ron, not saying anything. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"So, Ron, what's up with you?" I said, smiling.

He glared at me and then said, "Nothing besides holding grudges." He looked towards Hermione.

Georges hands were into fists at this point. I looked at him and widened my eyes. He sighed.

"Ya know, because you would too if George didn't acknowledge you and went onto a new girl..."

George was standing up, but I beat him too it.

"How dare you think, that George would move on without telling me? And besides, even if he did, I would be happy for him, not mad and glaring at him. So get this straight, Ron, speak to me or my friends like that again, you're gonna wish you hadn't." I said, advancing on him with my voice growing higher.

I sat down and gave him one last death glare before we got off the train.

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